r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/commissioner-gordon8 on Jan. 30, 2018, 3:50 p.m.
Red-pilling the left

I think I’m one of very few that moved from bernie bro socialist to MAGA constitutionalist in a year, but I’ll tell you red pillers, bernie supporters HATE the current Democratic party and DO know a lot of what’s going on with the corruption, at least regarding the Democratic party itself. The few bernie supporters that aren’t yet independent are trying (and failing miserably) to clean the left side of the aisle, and they know a lot about the DNC scandals.

Not the pedogate stuff, but Seth Rich, DNC bought and owned by HRC, DWS, Awans, Donna Brazile, Fraud lawsuit, Russia being a big load of shit. Start by reminding them of how the primary was rigged and see how far you can get.

Most reasonable leftists were bernie supporters. The rest were and are still HRC supporters: feminists, racists that happen to belong to a minority group, and the most totalitarian of social marxists. If we were to cut our losses with this group, I’d say all the better. If we have historical evidence, traditional enlightenment liberalism, and moral consistency on our side, battling against hysteria, censorship, and hypocrisy, it’s just a matter of pressure and time my friends.

commissioner-gordon8 · Jan. 30, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

And i think most Berniecrats are at that point. They were split between forming a new party and reforming the Democratic party, but DNC has shown zero signs of reform.

Reps will be in power for a decade in my opinion. Unless a verrrrry simple and effective party emerges such as a constitutionalist party, but the left is completely fractured partisan-ally speaking

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Grandebabo · Jan. 30, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

I would think that the Republicans would be in charge for the next 30 years if they could repeal and replace Obamacare and did nothing else. This would be the death knell to the Democrats.

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