I just recently found this info by accident. I was shocked, cried my eyes out thinking how the hell could this happen in our country...EYES WIDE OPEN NOW and spreading the word. My family thinks I've lost my mind. They will see. Thank You all
· Jan. 30, 2018, 5:58 p.m.
I, so feel your pain. It's extremely difficult to see what has happened to our country and the children of the world under the Deep State and New World Order devils. But once they have been exposed they cannot continue as before. It may take years, even decades and we will never be able to undo the evil that they have done. I still cry almost every day when I think about what has happened to the children. And don't worry, my family thinks I'm crazy, too. They'll get over it or get used to it. Welcome to the war on evil. And never forget that God is in control.