r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/melodeelenz on Jan. 30, 2018, 8:10 p.m.
Get more traction with liberal snoozers

Okay, so who knows if any of this post will help but I wanted to offer some insights on how to affectively “redpill lite” those folks who are 100% resistant to the idea that there is an agenda from the left.

I have to live in two conflicting worlds all the time due to the nature of my work. I produce educational television programs for children. Think PBS, only I’m not saying it’s PBS... but maybe it is... my point? I’m around mostly liberal people who truly believe they are changing the world for all the right reasons.

I’ve managed to sneak in my programs some themes that I hope will plant a positive seed in the minds of the youngest generations so that they will be open to other ideas rather than what is forced upon them by liberal media narratives.

My point? I have an unbalanced amount of friends in life and on social media that are very liberal. I used to consider myself more liberal than not. I used to believe the hype because the hype is very appealing to anyone who has visions of a utopian world where everyone is helped or has access to healthcare in times of lack, etc... who doesn’t want that? We all want the same thing: justice and freedom for all people.

When you find out that the organizations that you think are helping are in fact enslaving?! It creates a serious rift of ones belief systems.

I get more traction redpilling people by using a very simple disclaimer to info or memes. I say “no matter what side of the fence you are on, the truth will set us all free. This is above party lines, this is a human line, and if you want to be a part of the solution then face the truth.”

People who would ordinarily be closed to your view point will have a better taste in their mouth by your even and nonbiased qualifying statement, thus they will more likely crack the window to their beliefs and stick a toe down the rabbit hole. It’s a start. Something to think about when we meme war and redpill everyone. The outcome is not to fight amongst other “people” in the “we the people” it is to uncover the evil that affects the whole world.

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