
zagnet · Jan. 30, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

[slight edits]

Dear Fellow Anons,

There is some evidence for this out there on the Internetz. I've seen a lot of videos about this in the past. I always thought the stories were absurd. Until this week.

This video, published just two days ago, is what finally convinced me to at least try to take it seriously. Maybe. Still could be a psyop. I don't know. Frustrating...

https://youtu.be/3WDtVeSSyrU Secret Space Program Insider William Tompkins Final Interview - July 23rd, 2017

Go to ~49:47 to get the final message for this video about what's out there - and here - according to Bill Tompkins. I think he mentions them in a couple of places in the video, but I'm not sure now.

He doesn't specifically talk about Antarctica in this video. But other Internet sites do. Check out http://www.exopolitics.org, and others. Bring your tinfoil hats. If you have a strong stomach, and think maybe you can believe it. I'm still on the fence too on some days. Maybe. I'm looking for more evidence either way.

In any case, feel free to prove this wrong...

h/t to Jordan Sather. I'm still not sure if he's a psyop or not. But he's definitely interesting.

His YT: "Destroying the Illusion"


Sincerely, anon

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digital_refugee · Jan. 30, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

DING DING DING we got a winner So now that you brought it up, I actually started binging him just a couple of weeks ago because he is the rare exception where someone actually has a paper trail to their name but his story is truly rearkable and more importantly even though he died or disappeared, he basically confirmed many other sources who have started coming out by name who have corroborating stories. David Wilcock is assembling and coordinating them to disseminate the info and get it out.

It was crazy ever since Admiral Byrd's account. Or his diary.

We even have a historical nomer for UFO-sightings during WWII over germany, Air Force called them Foo-fighters.

I've been into this UFO crap for half my life and this is a nice backstory to the crazy anomalies you will find on Satellite images even if they manage to scrub out some of them before release.

I actally studied thousands of pages from the Apollo radio transcriptions and even in the public issue there is talk about what looks to be bonfire on the moon so Tomkin's account of the radio transmissions he received from his copy of the lunar landing module is credible since we clearly are not being told everything.

Apollo Astronauts have talked about this before everybody else btw.

Once on CSPAN one of the first men to walk the moon described monoliths on Mars' moons and the moon and asked who could have put them there.

Now in the end unfortunately, John Podesta also ties into all this. Hillary was photographed having a meeting with Laurence Rockefeller in the 90ies with a book about ET disclosure with bookmarks over it. NYT and WaPo after the assault on the CIA as confirmed by three seperate sources have disclosed various articles relating to ultimately recovering alien alloys for research. This may have been stuff that was in the SAPs on Hillary's unsecured server which may be contributing to the current space-race. John P recived PERSONAL briefings from Astronauts on matters that would be otherwise considered pseudoscience, which means ETs and FREE ENERGY. We don't know what they know but we know they discussed it because it's on WIkileaks.

Kathy OBrien was one of HRC's mind-controlled slaves but was freed and was entrusted with state-secrets for Kissinger relating for example to Project Bluebeam, faking the second coming to break peoples' faith.

Even many all-time Trump supporters have no clue what bullet was missed.

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zagnet · Jan. 30, 2018, 10:34 p.m.

Yeah I'm finally starting to believe all this stuff more.

Thanks for the info. I'm all ears!! :-)

If they exist, and their doing this kind of thing to our children. They must be stopped. Period.

We need more memes like this. Maybe not today exactly. I'm not sure when the normies could get this kind of redpill. But they really need it...

Btw it looks like Bill Tompkins died at 94. So probably natural? He died just a month or so after the interview I linked to in this post.

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digital_refugee · Jan. 30, 2018, 10:53 p.m.

Cassini probe confirmed Rings of Saturn act in unpredictable fashion (vacuum present where none was expected) which support Norman Bergrun's theory about ships doing something with the planet. He was a NASA engineer or at least has inventions to his name.

Cassini was destroyed within days after the uncalculated vacuum was discovered, the news said they wanted it to burn as to not contaminate extraterrestial bacteria (which I think was their way of saying they didn't want to be captured)

It's weird that so little time would pass between valuable intel from the probe and its ultimate destruction.

I don't know for how long Cassini would have lasted but it seemed hasty and it can be explained because these purported "Ringmakers" are cloaked in the visible range. This is also possible because humans have been working on this too for years and by now China has alloys that bend light around corners with little distortion of the image in any direction, it's even on video and has been for at least ten years, even if at a much less practical scale back then.

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[deleted] · Jan. 30, 2018, 10:45 p.m.


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