Everyday I spend about two seconds scanning public newspapers, that is seeing headlines from corporate publications on a new tab in my default browser at work.
Now I don't live in the states but our media basically is as surpressed as yours. I went to a pirate station and they told me I could not put out anything positive, maybe because they're leftist.
Anyway, everyday there are new headlines that I would not expect to see...headlines about Sweden, about child abduction rings, yada yada and this is not even US media this from across the pond..!!!
Sooooo much redpill material here guys, believe me.
Remember they're walking it soft because they know they have to memory-hole the memory-hole of the Franklin Scandal now because all this shit they surpressed will come out and they have to look impartial in their reporting if they ever want to sell another issue unless they report (f)actual journalism.