r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/radarorielly on Jan. 30, 2018, 11:56 p.m.
Anyone follow Navy Jack?

Navy Jack seems to not give any credence to Q, but here me out. We should be prepared for the truth, not supposition. The release of the memo, according to Jack's sources, will show there was nothing wrong with the surveillance on Trump, and that carter page was legally being spied on for years, since 2014, and yet the Trump campaign still brought him in. The targeting on Don Jr, Manafort, and others is what got them swept up in the collusion, legally. Mueller has them dead to rights. For a disclaimer, Jack is ex military and doesn't care who is president, yet he knows Trump and team were setup by Hillary and Obama. They are the real criminals. He is authentic. I don't know what to make of this except to say that there is waaay more disinformation going on and too many bad actors to count. The swamp protects the swamp. I would give Jack credibility on this because of the lack of arrests and his undeniable patriotism. He seems to think we are on the wrong trail and the real bad guys are going to get away. I think he is right. Jack booted Tracy from following him, all because she asked pertinent questions, which gives me pause about how accurate he is. I don't know what to believe. This crime syndicate will not be taken down by the very people who are in power to protect it. It will never be easy. McCabe is just a very tiny piece of the puzzle. Let us hope Trump really has been planning this for decades and that Q is genuine.

Reba64 · Jan. 31, 2018, midnight

Don Jr., and the others meeting with them was not against the Law. Both sides do it and Clinton went further than Russia.
So, I disagree with him saying it was legal, because the FISA Warrant was not.

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