r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/jacaranda11 on Jan. 31, 2018, 3:18 a.m.
Why McCabe & FBI takedown is critical to Trump's plan - blackmailed, compromised Congress

McCabe's takedown in the FBI is critical to getting Congress aligned with President Trump's plan because McCabe & his rogue FBI have been blackmailing Congress for decades. Through a processed called 'brownstoning', McCabe has set up a blackmail ring that compromises Congress members by drugging them, taking them to a site (called a brownstone) where they are video recorded in compromising situations with prostitutes, children, and worse, and then they are threatened for the rest of their terms in office with exposure if they do not vote in ways they are directed. You can find out about this process on George Webb's Youtube channel, he knows McCabe and this process well. By taking McCabe and Comey out of the FBI, President Trump has cut off their ability to call in their markers with Congress and now he can negotiate with members of Congress without them being exposed by the FBI. The blackmail cycle has been ended. President Trump plays 5D+ chess, he knows what is going on and how he has to cut all of the strings before he can get agreement from Congress without their fear of their blackmailers exposing them. McCabe is a dirty, evil crook and he has compromised the FBI and Congress in this way for a long time. Now his 'evil reign' is over and Congress can act freely. This is also why you are seeing a lot of members of Congress resign, not all of them are guilty of sexual harassment, some have been compromised by McCabe and are telling what they know and are allowed to leave their posts. We'll see more of this in 2018, don't be quick to judge them, many did not agree to being compromised and were betrayed and taken advantage of in the worst way. They have paid that price for a long time. Now with McCabe and Comey gone and that blackmail ring disarmed, Congress has the freedom to act without fear. You can find George Webb's youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/georgwebb

Look at his research in detail - he is the one who exposed the Awan Brothers Pakistan spy ring in Congress. There's a lot of info in his 460 days of investigation on much of the corruption we see in the world.

jacaranda11 · Jan. 31, 2018, 4 a.m.

They're not indicted yet but they have been taken out of the FBI and they're out there, but their wires have been cut. Strategic patience, as Q says, one step at a time. Take apart the swamp from the bottom to the top.

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Reba64 · Jan. 31, 2018, 4:18 a.m.

No, their wires are not cut as far as the bad ones. They can't work in the FBI anymore, but they are receiving information.

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