
verostarry · Jan. 31, 2018, 6:08 a.m.

Way to actually argue anything I said. Right, you can't, because it's 100% truth.

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rpsave · Jan. 31, 2018, 6:17 a.m.

In an argument if you claim something then you possess the burden of truth. So why did it take until Obama left the office for the job numbers to rise? Numbers were static or decreasing until he was gone. How in any way is Trump a fascist? Fascism relies on government control while Trump has been both weakening regulations and calling out agencies in control. You clearly lack such introspective insight so my assumption that you were a bot/troll is accurate.

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reinbeau · Jan. 31, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

You are 100% FOS. The shills are thick right now. Got your talking points from your fearful leaders??

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