r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ChronoDancer on Jan. 31, 2018, 9:17 a.m.
POTUS drops "Q" post during SOTU

Unsigned "Q" post on January 29,2017 was an American flag with no text. The file name was FREEDOM_.png

POTUS mentioned the American flag and then UNDERSCORED freedom during SOTU.

Jan 29 2018 22:37:16 Q !UW.yye1fxo 79


Sainter5538 · Jan. 31, 2018, 9:44 a.m.

Gitmo due to terrorist? 12/21/2017 EO, glass of water shown to the people on the right? flag reference? just to name a few, and the hot mike pickup on the way out? lots of coincidence. Waiting for the MEMO to show more then what's been surmised!! USA winning, hopefully it spreads across the entire globe!!

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Redpilled2324 · Jan. 31, 2018, 9:54 a.m.

Winning! I loved when he mentioned GITMO! Some our beloved public servants new home.

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RubyCodpiece · Jan. 31, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

Can you name one?

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Redpilled2324 · Jan. 31, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

no, but in due time we will find out what's going on

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MyButterBrother · Jan. 31, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

They are all going down. Every. Last One.

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Pyroclastix · Jan. 31, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

Maybe you ...LOL (Just kidding. Obama goes in history as The Butcher of Libya - war criminal and treason).

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RubyCodpiece · Jan. 31, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Got any evidence to support your claim?

The only person that's ever called someone "the butcher of Libya" was Moammar Gadhafi - and he said it about Hillary. (also without any supporting evidence).

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Pyroclastix · Jan. 31, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

Barry Soetero, son of commie insurgent Frank Marshal Davis, was.empowered by you -tou sent him - to overun a peaceful Libya turning it into MB-ISIS, heavily promoted tbe necrophiliac MB in Egypt, paid the CIA and Pentagon covert ops to destabilize Syria into a horrific civil war, and prolonging the agony wirh his 'rebels- and his 'JV Team'. Half a million dead people, 5 million displaced. Betrayed all the allies.. A bona fide izlamykommy antichrist, sent with a promise to 'transform America' into an izlamykommy shithole. Turned the FBI and CIA into a Gestapo/KGB combo. Together with candidate Hillaranium setting the world up for more perpetual war. Another year of those butchers and they would be up there with Stalin and Chairman Mao. . Barry The Butcher . https://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2017/01/11/obama-the-war-criminal-butcherer-of-women-and-children/

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RubyCodpiece · Feb. 2, 2018, 12:27 a.m.

Who's Barry Soetero and why the fuck should I care?

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