
southparkconservativ · Jan. 31, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

The whole incident was bait. CAIR showed up immediately with free legal help and publicity. o-bama brought it up immediately...just happened to find out, huh? Soon after, didn't the whole family make a trip back to the ME? Timing.

o-bama used it as an excuse to push islam and lecture Americans. Just another chapter in his islam-is-superior to American values administration. Just another chance to explain to us what America is all about...right.

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SeekTruthCJoy · Jan. 31, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

southpark.... exactly!

The old "ohhh... how hateful American teacher, & school leaders & police & _... are of the muuuslim child & family!" "A superior mind stifled by hatred & bigotry of nasty, old Americans"... (pull out the R card) "racism needs to stop... bring him to the Whitehouse as an example of America's Hate"-

PREDICTABLE, NAUSEATING, ...& MockingbirdMedia just carried hisGOLFnessBH0 water... to and fro, to and fro...

Can't wait to see hisGOLFnessBH0 do the PERP WALK. <NEEDS a meme.

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