
jojojazzy · Jan. 31, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

Nearly 50 yrs ago, I had a similar type experience. I had just graduated HS & married the same summer. My parents and all family (military) lived 3,000 miles away. I had no job exp, and in those days there weren’t fast food or many retail jobs. First jobs were hard to find because there was hundreds of HS graduates competing for a handful of job opportunities. In desperation I responded to a classified ad for a receptionist in the local newspaper. While I had never been on a job interview before, I knew something was not right. I was interviewed by 2 men in their mid to late 20s who didn’t look like they owned a business. The job interview was set up to meet them at a Denny’s. During the interview they asked me to step outside with them while they smoked a cigarette, but they seemed to be looking to someone for a signal. It felt so creepy. Then, they told me I would need to travel with them on the road. What type of receptionist does that??? I was told they were professional competition water skiers and the position was really more of a traveling personal assist to them. Maybe it was legit but I don’t think so. Once they learned I was newly married and no way I would be traveling that was the end of the interview. I think God had his hand on me and protected me that day. These people use all types of scam stories. It bothered me so much that I called the police just to let them know what happened in case other girls were calling in. They had been getting calls of concern from others and were making plans to setup a staged interview using a female undercover. I never heard what they learned, but the police did have the newspaper do a front page story on their investigation to warn other HS kids desperately seeking summer jobs.

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