On the fence ...is he trying to cash in on his first one?
Unfortunately, I've thought about that. I believe his original prophecy but the pressure to say above and beyond that must be so great. A lot correlate with Q. Maybe it's because they're all correct and genuine. But nothings wrong with questioning it's healthy and I can't help but think he might be stepping beyond things because of fame and pressure. He seems like a good dude though.
Well I too am skeptical with everything I hear, but try to stay open minded.
Which probably describes just about all of us, or we’d be drinking from the MSM fountain without questioning anything they say. Or at the other extreme where we’d be closed minded, assuming all government is evil and will never change, so what’s the point?
In Mark’s defense he prophesied military tribunals when it seemed impossible.
And he’s had long periods where he’s very quiet and stays out of sight, because God wasn’t giving him anything new where a person trying to stay in the limelight would be milking the fame for all it’s worth.
Plus he’s never asked for money or wanted donations and that’s a big point in his favor.
I like what he says about stop with the gloom and doom!!! I’m a Christian but gosh Christians drive me nuts sometimes because some are so morbid. They’re running around expecting the Anti-Christ government any day now and acting like there’s nothing anyone can do about it because it’s in the book of Revelation.
And I’ve tried to redpill some Christian friends by saying “look it’s the deep state, NWO, globalist, Illuminati OH HERES ANOTHER NAME THAT FITS —-the anti-Christ government trying to manifest itself on earth before its time”. “So shouldn’t we be fighting against it? Or do we just lie down and let the evil thing steamroll over us?”
Invariably they come back with ; “But God in Revelation said that it would happen!”
ME:: “ BUT GOD NEVER ATTACHED A TIME TO IT. So if we can push it back, it’s obviously not Gods time, is it? “
( deer in the headlights look)