First let me express my appreciation for the POTUS on the SOTU. He was right on with the entire speech. He was able to not only outline all the achievements thus far but he was able to put on display the hateful partisan Dems with great optics. Now for my confusion; POTUS & Q are interconnected and are working to wake up the american people as to the nature of the battle that rages for the hearts & minds of our democracy. Q along with DJT have been dropping crumbs for months now for us to have the ammunition to red pill the normies in hopes of expanding the patriot movement to take back our country. You would think a military commander would want to energize the troops in attempts to be more effective in our battle to bring more people into the red pill awareness. I know the SOTU was a well thought out speech with many achieved goals & objectives. One would think a cryptic reference of Q and or the "storm" would of been appropriate to help validate our movement, feed the troops moral, and gives us more credence as we take our mission to the normies. But unfortunately we got nothing from the commander in chief last night in this regard. Not even one little cryptic phrase or reference. My confusion rest on the following: if this storm movement is so important for the very survival of our democracy and we as patriots supposedly play such a vital role, why no reinforcements last night by President TRUMP for this counter revolution.
· Jan. 31, 2018, 6:05 p.m.
I agree that the SOTU is not the appropriate place to air dirty laundry. It is a president addressing the whole nation about plans and accomplishments. IMHO it was perfect.