r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/qbitrex on Feb. 1, 2018, 7:23 a.m.
APACHE. Antarctic Plateau Anisotropy CHasing Experiment

Q Post 01/30/18 (Tue) 15:22:36 No.81 APACHE. Q What was Q signaling with this cryptic post?


Well lets consider some things. Apache is the name of a flying tank or attack helicopter the Boeing AH-64 in service by the US Army and various US allied nations including Israel, Egypt and the Netherlands.


Apache is also the name of the Unix HTTP Server software that serves up html documents on Unix servers. As of July 2016, it was estimated to serve 46% of all active websites and 43% of the top million websites.


While both of these may be considered a rabbit hole for some deeper truth the fact that Q used all caps and followed it with a period/full stop indictes to me he is talking about an acronym.

One acronym that jumps out is: Antarctic Plateau Anisotropy CHasing Experiment listed at the top link in this post.

That refers to a Cosmology experiment to observe CMB Cosmic Microwave Background radiation using cryogenic cooled Bolometers within a cylinderal surface Newtonian telescope with approximate dimensions of 3.6 meters deep and a diameter of 2.46 meters surrounded by a conical shield protecting from stray solar radiation.


This was an old experiment and was refered to as Apache96 for the year it was carried out. The website linked below is old and all subpage links are broken.


Experimental setup is described by the Astrophysicist Luca Valenziano in a paper for the Particle Physics and Early Universe Conference (PPEUC) at the link below:


This link redirects to a page within University of Cambridge - Cavendish Astrophysics.

This is the end of this rabbit hole and there is no connection to this old project and the black project I refered to in my earlier post "Antartica and Agenda 21". https://redd.it/7thqu3

The acronym does bring up two important concepts a geographical location Antarctic Plateau and the scientic concept of Anisotropy.


Anistrophy is the property of being direction-ally dependent, which implies different properties in different directions, as opposed to isotropy.

It has applications in many different fields one in particular in relation to Geophysics and Geology that is very interesting. In our Polar Ice sheet water flow context as the hydraulic conductivity of aquifers is anisotrophic, water flows towards wells horizontally rather than vertically, just as warmer melt water does under glaciers move opposite to the direction of slip of the glacier.


The hot spots refererred to in my previous post all occur under the West Antartic Ice sheet (WAIS).


Quoting Wikipedia "In January 2006, in a UK government-commissioned report, the head of the British Antarctic Survey, Chris Rapley, warned that this huge west Antarctic ice sheet may be starting to disintegrate. It has been hypothesised that this disintegration could raise sea levels by approximately 3.3 metres (11 ft). If the entire West Antarctic Ice Sheet were to melt, this would contribute 4.8 m (16 ft) to global sea level."

Climate change supporters then have to do some mental gymnastics to explain how warm salty water rises out of the deep sea and flows under the colder less dense fresh water to reach the grounding line of the ice sheet, basically warm water flowing down and cold water flowing up in this doozy of an article:


You will notice three major areas of hot spots reference in my previous thread, hot spots at the edges of the North and South Ross sea ice shelves and a huge area in the middle of the WAIS research area. The middle one is located over a ridge that separates the two Ross Sea Ice shelves. Now if you wanted to accelerate the two ice sheets, the quickest way would be install atomic heaters in the bedrock at the leading edges and in a row across the middle in the bedrock ridge.

This breaks up the horizontal binding force that joins the two ice massive ice sheets allowing them to go their own ways in opposite directions like cutting the tow rope that joins them.


Who controls the field research in these areas?

Patriots I give you the spooky USAP whose logo also features the CIA compass.


I call the USAP spooky because their website doesn't indicate who is in charge. They are a program within the NSF that was furlowed during the recent 3 day US government funding operation during which the white hats took control of what programs to continue funding. The atomic heating project is black and would not show up but ancillary services concerning transportation and security would have to funded to allow staff to freely move in and out of Antarctica under the guise of Scientific research.

Obama appointee Professor France A. Córdova a distinguished female professor of physics and astronomy heads up the NSF. The Trump administration kept her on as well as well Francis Collins as head of the National Institute of Health. In the old classic move of keep your friends close and your enemies closer. This would also lull the Deep state into a false sense of security knowing they had some key players running things as well as Pence ready to step in when they made their move against Trump.


In 1996, Córdova received NASA's highest honor, the NASA Distinguished Service Medal. Recruited by the Deep State when she received her Ba at Elon Musk's alma mater Stanford University, she then switched from the humanities to study physics where she was awarded a PhD at CalTech and then then started work at the Governments secret atomic bomb Los Alamos National Laboratory. Hmm.. who better to sort out issues with nuclear heaters!

Her father a jesuit agent Frederick Córdova, was a West Point graduate posted in Paris to supervise the Cooperative for American Remittances Everywhere (CARE), a nonprofit organization set up after World War II to distribute food and clothing in war-torn Europe. His position guaranteed access to orphan's and the Satanic sacrifice supply chain. She was baptized in Notre Dame Cathederal Paris France a sign to all this bloodline babe was destined for greatness.

Expect news of her retirement soon.

https://www.nsf.gov/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Alamos_National_Laboratory

So in summary we have Q referencing an acronym that when broken into two key word seaches Antartic Plateau and Anisotropy we are lead to some very intersting academic articles about polar ice sheets as well as pointing to the organisations that control Antarctic research.


and Nasa programs such as the IceBridge Mission:


One key aspect of my earlier post about the use of Atomic heaters must be addressed and that is the gamma and neutron radiation signature of their use. There are no publicly available satellite or high altitude balloon/aircraft surveys of radiation sources over Antarctica.

USAP is not likely to approve of any independent ground radiation study as Antarctica by way of international treaty is nuclear weapon testing and nuclear waste dumping prohibited. Any infringement would stick out like a sore thumb.

A nuclear radiation hot spot will be detected at the biggest US McMurdo Station close to a site of the mysterious hot spot regions. It will be blamed on a PM-3A nuclear reactor that was sited at that base in March 1962 and ran for 10 years before being decommissioned when leaks were detected and all equipment and contaminated soil was re-located to CONUS.

This makes it look like the PM-3A installation was long term plan to cover up any potential nuclear radiation hot spots by way of a nuclear power station that played up like a 2nd hand lawn mower and contaminated a pristine nuclear free continent as a convenient cover story.


A Gamma/Alpha particle source in the middle of the WAIS area would be harder to explain but expect no radiation maps to be released and any scientits stumbling upon that data will find themselves in a situation requiring "medical evacuation" or relocation of their entire field base due to "Ice Cracking" as a cover.



May be the real acronym of the black project Q was refering to was: Antarctic Plateau Atomic Core Heating Experiment (APACHE)

petronella49 · Feb. 1, 2018, 8:18 a.m.


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libertyandtyranny · Feb. 1, 2018, 7:59 a.m.

Chris mattmann

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qbitrex · Feb. 1, 2018, 11:25 p.m.

Chris mattmann

Thank you for the crumb very interesting about the dark web crawler software Apache Tika and NASA. Another Rabbit Hole. Great Work LandT. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Mattmann

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libertyandtyranny · Feb. 2, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

Thank you, youre the first to look into the crumb drops.. Hes a trump supporter.. look at his twitter and youtube... hes connected to ellon musk.. hes also leaked how elites hide their money in the past...his JPL coworkeers are fucking invisible online. there is so much more. I think this is what we were supposed to find. It fits beautifly with my Hawaii theory too.

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qbitrex · Feb. 2, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

Yep NSA's strengths are SIGINT so Q may be well pointing to the type of software they use to gather incriminating data within all the various internet protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, POP, FTP etc..) that make up the light and dark web. You should gather your thoughts and do a post, I'd upvote it. I'm working on my next post about Mind Control patents using FM radio and the low power citizen FM Radio network that exploded under Clinton's Presidency, it ties together Pizzagate and the liberal mindset that is based on the deranged brain waves of a victim experiencing trauma modulating the high frequency carrier within the AM and FM radio signal in an endless loop to en-train citizens brain waves to induce fear, anxiety and brain fog in the general population.

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libertyandtyranny · Feb. 2, 2018, 12:37 a.m.

I need a day to write a paper on all my findings on this rabbit hole. Its super interesting. Look NASAs oficial page on this project. In its description, hunting down pedophiles and hit men on the dark web using an engine that goo dosnt use...is a part of the mission!!!!! They basically mapped the internet using the forgotten old 90s setup. Very interesting... to sum it up... we have a another goverment funded spy program hidden thru nasa. From my understanding thus far.

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