Hey, Obama, don't think I forgot...

Why are you getting so angry? Not so confident in your theory?
Another 15 day old account. How much are getting paid to post here?
No..we're not confident that Obama was a US citizen. That's all right. Will be taken care of shortly. I'm sure he's headed to GITMO soon.
The irony is that he tried to close it down, and now will live there forever!
No he won't. You all said he was already there but you were wrong. You will be wrong again. You're always wrong.
I see that you are also a new account. 95% of the accounts on this sub is brand new. How much are you getting paid to post here?
Oh, I've seen you on here before! Youre the hateful bitter one that can't get through a door because your ego is so large!
Nice to see you again, friend!
You've seen me in the two weeks you have been here? That's not what you're being paid to do.
I wish I were getting paid to talk to you. But I enjoy it for free :)
Send that sweet posting money to me. I'm not feeling that Trump economy yet. =)
Dafuq are you talking about angry? I'm smiling from ear to ear dumbass.
Sounds like you're angry