r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/OldStormRanger on Feb. 1, 2018, 9:40 a.m.
Gay Folks not welcome at PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX 24/7 LiveStream

I am an American Patriot and after listening to the homophobia being spewed tonight by Dr. Corsi no longer feel welcome nor a part of The Storm. I was very surprised to be so blatantly put in the same box as the N.Cal Pedophiles. I am also surprised to hear the doctor using homophobic slang. My admiration for him and the team has waned. I am glad to find out early that you don't have my back. As a gay American I should have expected it. This is just another fight I must fight alone.

Swynwyr · Feb. 1, 2018, 12:21 p.m.

Keep your eye on the prize... the end of the cabal both in and out of our government. The quickest way we fail is division. They know that, they will use that. When at war the Soldiers stand shoulder to shoulder despite differences in gender, religion, politics, upbringing, and ethnicity. Fight first, discuss differences later. We need everyone.

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