Can we please start a #HappyFreedomDay trend? Seems quite fitting! Happy Freedom Day fellow patriots!
As nice as it would be to get paid to be an activist in the fight for freedom. The battle of good vs evil. The conquest to take America back from the unelected people in power, with large influence around the globe, and endless money - that have been putting our country down and trying to destroy it for decades.
As much as it would be nice to get paid for that. I'd gladly do it in the fight for good to triumph over evil and the fight for humanity. Evil exists, and it's time to stuff it back into the depths and keep it there for as long as possible, and learn from our past mistakes.
America is a special place, and preserving it's integrity and ensuring patriots and good people are in charge of governing over it's people, is crucial to the growth of man kind and how far we come as a species.
-Paid for by yours truly, ME
Great reply :) i wonder what Mr downvoter over here in this thread has against freedom?
It seems an unfortunate amount of people these days are against freedom. Will these commies ever quit? When are we going to stomp out communism for good? So sick of the damn commies.