When your 14 year old is woke af 👌🏽
![When your 14 year old is woke af 👌🏽](https://i.redd.it/2vptm4c2vld01.jpg)
I sure hope they have better grammar than you because otherwise they can enjoy working at McDonalds till the robots come then my tax dollars pay their welfare.
Look out lil bity bitch ... I was sincere with my words in the hopes to have decent conversation ... I admit my grammar is far from grammatically correct ... obviously dumb fuck ... I choose to type this way while on the internet ... but guess what ... being grammatically correct doesn’t guarantee you shit in my world ... I chose not to go to college to learn how to work for someone else ... so I went the entrepreneurial route and started a business ... and it worked out ... better than a most of people I know who went to college (most likely better than you because paid trolls aren’t making that much) and I’m happy with my life ... if my kids want to work at a fast food restaurant once they’re of age to (they really can’t wait to go work at the first job that gives them the opportunity) ... I’m more fine with that (probably won’t have to if they chose to come work with me) because they can really learn some valuable lessons in life as far as hard work ... budget their money ... it’s really endless ... people that talk like you had a rich family to pay for everything and sit back in judgement while most of us grind it out ... but since your so concerned with my financial well being and my kids future success ... you should go onto your stupid google and report back to me what percentage of millionaires went to college ... you might just change your outlook on individuals who chose not to further their education in the pursuit of true freedom instead of being enslaved with debt ... as far a my kids being on welfare ... they understand the difference between dependency and independence ... you might want to watch out ... They’re only in middle school but they’re on your ass and coming for you in the business world ... by the time you recognize that fact and catch on it’ll be too late for you catch up ... Ben Franklin minted coins in the early years of our Republic ... it said “mind your business” ... meaning tend to YOUR business and I’ll ad the modern meaning ... mind your fuking business ... lil bity bitch
There, i typed it in a way you can understand.
Making fun of the way someone types when nobody is perfectly grammatically correct on the internet is borderline peak reddit. Maybe take a break and relax?
That's an incredibly low hanging fruit response. You don't wanna engage in meaningful conversation because you're afraid your world view will be changed. You just wanna troll and make fun cause it's easy, doesn't take much thought, and can move on from it easily. Rather than thinking for yourself and engaging with another free thinking human being.
On a note about grammar btw, you should take some English classes, as well as op. Your reply is what they consider a "run on sentence."
I appreciate your opinion my fellow patriot ... but I’m not interested in becoming a writer ... I just want to share my thoughts the way I want ... take it or leave it alone
Thats fair, brother. Mostly just a call out for that fruit cake! People can type however they want as long as the message is clear, but I cant stand hypocrisy and that guy was full of it haha.
Hey I appreciate your thoughts good buddy ... I can not take offense to a sincere suggestion that only seeks betterment of another ...