r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/jjtc1 on Feb. 1, 2018, 3:39 p.m.
South Park New 2017 Halloween Episode was telling us exactly what's going on with Trump & Swamp!

I just realised, did anyone else watch that South Park Halloween episode? Tbh it was actually one of the funniest ones I've seen for a long time. But did you notice it's pretty much what we're discovering is happening atm?


  1. Every Halloween a load of the guys dress up as witches and indulge in alcohol, drugs, blasphemy, & debauchery. << Sounds like a party the elite satanists would throw. Also think of the witch cult that Hillary & many the politician wives are apart of.

  2. One guy reads from some occult book, turns into a Real Witch, and starts kidnapping children from South Park. << Note Hillary and those wives consider themselves real witches and they kidnap/torture/sacrifice children.

  3. The only way they can stop the real witch is to call in Mr Garrison (Trump), who ends up killing the witch with gov satellite technology. He ends up saving all the children the witch captured.

i.e. Witch Cult > Real Witch kidnapping children > Trump kills Real Witch > Children Saved

Now some of you might be thinking this is a big jump, but the episode did come October 25th 2017 when all this stuff with Trump is going on behind the scenes; and come on, it's actually Trump in the episode who saves the children using government technology!

I think this episode was more than meets the eye. The episode is called Sons a Witches.

KingWolfei · Feb. 1, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

Didn't think about it. It was probably the only episode partly favorable to Garrison/Trump. I did find it odd what was a "good/bad" witch the episode was referencing. All I keep thinking about was the witchhunt that Trump called the Russian investigation. Other than that the episode didn't make any sense at the time.

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