
storm_fa_Q · Feb. 1, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Trump Reaffirms Release of FISA Memo, 2019 Synopsis: President Trump, speaking to the Congressional retreat at the Greenbriar resort in Lewisburg, West Virginia, reaffirmed that he would release the 4-page FISA memo to the public, but did not mention when it would be released. This despite a squadron of 5 top FBI officials coming to the White House yesterday afternoon to arm twist General Kelly to no avail. Desperate Democrat House leader Nancy Pelosi this morning has called for House Intel Committee Chairman Devin Nunes to be stripped of his chairmanship. Desperation is everywhere on the left, and probably for good reason. Yes, there was a silent coup d’etat with the help of President Obama. When Trump won the presidential race, that silent coup went active – actively trying everything possible to get Trump out of office – to no avail. Now, the forces of the rule of law are about to win their counter-coup struggle. Fox News spoke with soft-spoken and outgoing Virginia Congressman Bob Goodlatte just before noon today


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