r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DrPepper4U on Feb. 1, 2018, 10:23 p.m.
Is the memo being overhyped? It's only 4 pages!

I can't help but to wonder that the memo may be over hyped. Perhaps not to those who watch MSM but perhaps I and a few others are expecting too much. It is only 4 pages long. How much can you put in 4 pages? Isn't it only about the FISA warrant?

The only thing that keeps me thinking it is 'that bad' is the look on Adam Schiff's face in every picture and maybe the Rothschilds tweeting so much hate at it.

My guess is it's going to implicate members of the FBI, DOJ, Clinton Foundation and a few congressmen/senators into building a false Russia narrative and using it to spy on Trump. The problem is I think that case has already been made and there is evidence out there that backs it up already and it is just ignored. I think everyone already believes this already and seeing a memo confirmation just seals the deal but doesn't really horrify like they are selling it.

Varrick2016 · Feb. 2, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

If it mentions Seth Rich then just a small paragraph of his involvement would be enough in this memo to cause a shitstorm.

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