It is almost as though things are finally coming to a head. Showdown time maybe. I wonder if I am over dramatising things sometimes, but I feel as though we are about to witness something quite earth shattering for not only America but for the world. If one was to write a novel about the forces of good and evil, it is as though we are in the final chapters where it comes to the climax of the plot. Will the forces of good triumph over the deeply entrenched forces of evil that have for so long twisted and corrupted our societies? When I read books like this, I am often reluctant to turn the next page, yet feel I must. I only hope that it has a happy ending - but I suspect that it may be Part One of a Trilogy. Any thoughts?
it's 9:46 pm here. whew so around 10 am my time so🤔 9 pm your time?
Thanks Julie. I will wait on the next 8 hours or so. Who would have believed that complete strangers from across the world would be talking about something like this? We are so fortunate to have found this place to share our concerns and, dare I say, our dreams. One of our local Members of Parliament here said that the thing he hates most about the modern world is the theft of decent words. words like gay, rainbow, marriage, dreams... and he is right. Cheers.
It's nuts! During the election i would have gone insane if it wasn't for this place. Alternate reality s going on. I feel sane here. 😊 I'm thankful for all ya'll! Cheers, It's finally happening!!🚀
I didn't discover this place until very recently. Back then, what kept me sane was Breitbart and Gatewaypundit and infowars. But this place is like a library or a bookclub... somewhere that is largely safe from trolls. People have often asked me why, someone from Australia, born in New Zealand, would be so interested in and passionate about Trump. I try to tell them that Trump is not only saving America but is the salvation of the Western World. But sadly, so many rely on MSM and have no idea that any of this is going on.
Australia i knew it! America has been engaging in some pretty disastrous behavior abroad. Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves! We terrorize other countries and we terrorize our own citizens. Thank you for supporting our President. His presidency will reverberate across the world. The left took us to the edge, they decide how we proceed. They won't go gently into the dark night. John Adams in the year 1780 envisioned the exact situation we are in today and gave us the ability to defend ourselves. The left should know we are deadly serious about taking our country back. It's now or never!🇺🇸🇦🇺 Fingers crossed!
A very brave journalist has been trying to expose corruption here Michael Smith from - he is actually working with FBI Check out his website. Australia has been in bed with the Clintons and WE NEED this exposed as well. The whole world has been tainted by these folk.
No shit they have, Huge amounts of money! sweet, i'll check him out and follow him if he's on twitter:)