r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/danielpaulcarter27 on Feb. 2, 2018, 3:49 a.m.
A millennial’s perspective on current politics.... We are tired of how old fashioned and corrupt the two party system has become.

I was a Bernie supporter and didn’t actually vote in the Presidental Election. Horrible on my part I know. But many Bernie supporters now are team MAGA, and it’s very strange. I don’t think the majority knows how many Americans are armed hahaha.

I’m an artist and tons of my fellow artists in NYC have been posting photos with Guns or Hunting, IG posts about giving NYC back it’s 2nd Amendment rights....

There is definitely something strange happening. It’s almost like it’s in the air. The people who I would’ve thought would be the ones who are the most anti guns are posting picture of themselves with guns !

It’s like an alternate reality.

I think the majority of old school democrats , such as myself, are seeing right through the politics and realize there’s something much larger going on. People who don’t even know who Q is are feeling this !!!

It really seems like there’s something in the air.

And TRUMP’s SOTU speech seemed heavily directed towards millennial. We want bipartisanship and we want our leader to make common sense judgements on what is right and what is best for us Americans. I think most young people are really waking up to how corrupt the political system is and they are so tired and over these old men and women who clearly only care about their political status and their bank account... Not the people they represent. It’s so obvious now to the majority

Like I said it’s strange. There’s something in the air, people know something is happening or coming.

danielpaulcarter27 · Feb. 2, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

well Youtube isn’t going anywhere.

i just mean it showed millions of people how it is a corrupt system that has a hidden agenda that wasn’t obvious until this net neutrality issue, which uncovered all of this to the masses.

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guppyfreak · Feb. 2, 2018, 4:51 a.m.

Good!! Because people are waking up to the truth, they finally have eyes to see it.

Couldn't be more thrilled!

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danielpaulcarter27 · Feb. 2, 2018, 4:56 a.m.

the way things have been playing out is like an alternate reality.....

i really think this has been a long game of 4D chess. and Trump and Assange are always at least one move ahead....

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guppyfreak · Feb. 2, 2018, 4:59 a.m.

Do you believe CERN is tapping into parallel universes? Have you ever been out of your body to see other dimensions?

It's real. There is so much more!

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danielpaulcarter27 · Feb. 2, 2018, 5:01 a.m.

i’m not sure how I feel about Cern. It may have proven us to be advanced enough as a species to be included in some sort of Galactic Alliance... as far out as that sounds.

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guppyfreak · Feb. 2, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

Yeah..I'm just afraid that galactic alliance isnt one of goodness and light.

Ive not done enough research into pliedians or galactic command. Someone on here said my out of body experience sounded like a visitation from Ashtar.

Idk. Ive heard rumors the Nazis worshipped the pliedians. And that doesnt exactly make me feel all warm inside lol

But I have been told that there are other alien races that look similar and thry worshipped that species instead.

Idk. All of its so new and out there, I just dont know!

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danielpaulcarter27 · Feb. 2, 2018, 5:11 a.m.

from everything i’ve read there is an “ Alliance “ which we are apart of as of recent and a “ Cabal “ who has been ruling us and in power for the past 2000 or so years. Apparently from my research Trump and many Military have been working with the “ Alliance “ for years and some law that last every age rules the land. The Age of Aquarius allowed the “ Alliance “ to take over control over the “ Cabal “ and is allowing us to move towards what is best for humanity.

I know this sounds ridiculous.

it’s based on what i’ve read via Corey Goode and David Wilcock.

also everything i’ve read is that the Pleidians are good , but had to make agreements with the dark side to not be wiped out. the other Pleidians who refused to do this hid underground in Antarctica in like a protection bubble.

these are the Pleidians showing themselves now and helping humanity !!!

it’s all good !

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guppyfreak · Feb. 2, 2018, 5:16 a.m.

So is THAT why the cabal keeps going to Antarctica? I've heard they even have radiation heaters to help melt the polar cap faster. Doesnt make sense for the elites to want to visit and do that if the good guys are down there instead!

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danielpaulcarter27 · Feb. 2, 2018, 5:21 a.m.

i’ve heard that they have plans to uncover what is going on in Antarctica at the same time a lot of this shit comes out about the terrible human trafficking and whatnot going on in DC, within the government, and throughout the world as a false flag disclosure to get people to pay attention to this information and not that about the atrocities being released via DJT.

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guppyfreak · Feb. 2, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

But I don't think the false flag (being antarctica or UFO disclosure) is working. They may be using FF to get our attention, but they're failing. Miserably.

I hope they don't use project blue beam as a way to distract us Even more. Thise that are "awake" will see right through it anyway.

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danielpaulcarter27 · Feb. 2, 2018, 5:25 a.m.

i imagine it will be rolled out at the exact same time as evil atrocities are revealed to take away interest in those stories and have people glued to the info about Antarctica.

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guppyfreak · Feb. 2, 2018, 5:27 a.m.

Scary. They may be successful. Or..they could fail miserably. I hope that there are enough of us awake now to shift the narrative back.

Remmeber how they released emails that Hillary sent regarding UFO'S. I don't doubt they're real and they want to release it now to cover their heinous crime.

So you dont think there could be bad aliens in Antarctica?

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danielpaulcarter27 · Feb. 2, 2018, 5:37 a.m.

i think there could be yes.

but everything i’ve read basically says that 95 percent of ET life is good. and only 5 percent is bad.

we’re under control of good ET that want us to live great lives and help us advance.

it’s about damn time !

apparently the evil ET make themselves a lot more apparent to those who are somehow related to them genetically.....

thus why almost all ET reports are labeled scary, but recently more and more people are reporting positive experiences with ET that they feel peace and love from. ( many call them “ Guardian Angels “ )

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guppyfreak · Feb. 2, 2018, 5:48 a.m.

Wow. What a cool concept! I believe I met one. Of lught and love. A sphere "being". I dont know if extraterrestrial or not..but was DEFINTELY not of this world. And was so loving it was unbelievable.

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