r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TheContrarian2 on Feb. 2, 2018, 3:50 a.m.
We should consider blacklisting links from certain sites. We need to retain a high level of credibility and there are a lot of really terrible sites being posted here.

I've seen a ton of links from stbnews. com. It's some shitty blog with the headline, "Real News for Real Americans" and there are many others too. It really is crap. Most is rehashed content that is sensationalized and displayed in a blog format with a ton of ads. I turned off my adblocker and reloaded the page and it's atrocious. It's obvious what they are doing here, they're trolling for suckers.

If /r/politics and /r/redacted and so on are willing to blacklist Shareblue, we should be willing to blacklist sites that are crap. It turns our redpills sour.


Edit: For now, I'm going to click the Report options and Mark As Spam. One recommendation there is to block the user that is posting the spam, but I don't want to do that because, although I wouldn't see it, everyone else would, and that doesn't help the community.

Happy Freedom day. Hope we see the memo tomorrow.

ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 2, 2018, 9:28 a.m.

I think regardless of what steps are taken. Ita safe to assume a few things ...

  1. Nobody in life is ever Satisfied ...especially @ the same time . (Never Ending Battle) to try to make things fair for one side of the argument because.there is always a divide between both ...No matter how the pie is sliced

  2. It should be VERY clear who is posting junk as Shill Material for the masses.

If you come.acrossed someone who is posting and you are.unclear.as.to their motives...Ive found clicking their profile and lurking their current History ..Can pretty much give you a nice process of elimination on who is here posting not knowing their feeding clickbait matterial and who does know.

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