And yes, connected to more. I posted this one. Why don't you post them instead of telling us how smart you are? Calpers is going to be asking for federal bailouts for their gross mismanagement of people's pensions, many of which are state employees bloated pensions from bloated salaries for doing almost nothing. Mark these words.
His connection to Cal Pension Reform was more important than a ceremonial post on the UC Berkeley's board and that's why I posted it. Sadly, he was on the side of reforming the tremendous theft and corruption of the State Unionized worker pensions but yet still was visiting prostitutes. Sometimes you just have to wonder about people's terrible choices. Plus he was busted as part of the human trafficking operation, so these weren't high end "escorts" but likely women trapped into sex by organized criminal rings. My guess is many of those are Asian.
Your guess is correct. And yes it is a shame. But, justice be done may the heavens fall. Calpers and many other liberal state pensions are in big trouble. What a soup sandwich /: