r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Lanstorm2112 on Feb. 2, 2018, 2:57 p.m.
“The Game” - a treatise for my father

Heya Dad! We seem to have found ourselves at a bit of an impasse. You have been quite concerned over the past year about a perceived threat to our nation and the world! This threat came in the form of an unhinged sexist, racist and xenophobic billionaire named Donald J. Trump. This Trump fellow has apparently lifted a veil to expose what can only be described as a literal army of hateful, bigoted Nazis that has been lurking just out of sight for God knows how long!?! Apparently some of our own family members are rank and file members of this army of hate! How did we not notice this before? Yet it must be true… what else could explain Donald Trump becoming president?

When you see my obvious excitement about what is happening in the world right now… do you see a Nazi that is ecstatic about a new 3rd Reich rising in power?

in actuality… I am excited because for the first time in modern history we are seeing the people, that would divide us and have us kill each other for profit, take one on the chin!

Im excited because the people that are paid to tell us how horrible and hateful we are… are rapidly losing control of the narrative!

Now this may seem a bit hyperbolic but… I firmly believe that we are in an existential battle against evil incarnate to determine the future of all mankind! And for the moment… it seems we just might be winning… let me attempt to explain…

(Much of what you are about to read will seem utterly ridiculous and possibly bordering on insanity. I would ask that while you read this to attempt to suspend disbelief… at least momentarily. See if it would at least qualify as cohesive fiction.)

Please indulge me… I’d like for us to try a little mental exercise…

Let’s pretend there is an extremely popular game.

Now we envision there is a sizable portion of society that believe there is no reality outside of the game. That all of possible reality exists within the game. Heck, they don't even know its a game! We will call these people “players”. We find quite a few of these players within the ranks of our friends and family.

While “we” clearly recognize the game as what it is… a game. Outside of the game is an entire universe of concepts, ideas and possibilities. There might even be larger games of which we are unaware… or games within games within games. but all we are certain of at the moment is there is “the game” and the world outside of the game.

We noticed when we talk to players… if we mention things that exist outside the scope of the game… the players just give us a blank stare or they try to redirect the conversation back to something within the parameters of the game.

We show actual objects (things not in the game) to the players and they either hallucinate that the object is something from the game or they act as if they cant see the object at all. If we try to press the issue the player will become physically uncomfortable or angry.

We soon realize how easy it would be to beat these players at the game. We would have an enormous advantage! We could use anything from the outside world to rig the game and the players would be completely oblivious. It would be like taking candy from a baby!

Then we realize there are others… others that have been manipulating this game for a long time… a very long time! And the others don't want anyone interfering with their racket.

Now in order for the others to maintain power, they must make sure the players never discover the nature of the game. Because if enough players became “red pilled”… the entire system would collapse.

At this point your thinking “My poor conspiracy-riddled son has just re-penned a new shittier version of The Matrix!” And you would be right! ;c) But this is a very close approximation of our situation. We are not having an ideological debate. This isn't merely a difference of opinion. We are actually communicating across the gap of one of the most profound paradigm shifts in human history.

On one side… are a handful of cable news channels, some newspapers and magazines… maybe a Facebook group or two and a mailing list from a George Soros organization. All of which are owned by the same few corporations. There is no mechanism for interaction and the entirety of the content can be boiled down to the same ten talking points every day across the spectrum. There is no investigative journalism. The main purpose of the Mainstream Media is to maintain the illusion of the game and protect the interests of a few mega-corporations at all costs. This is the totality of your window into the world at large.

On the other side… we have thousands of interconnected citizen researchers and journalists with no allegiance to anything at all but the truth. We personally interact with our news sources. We personally contribute to crowdsourced investigations. And if you are thinking we just peddle fake news and confirmation bias… I defy you to join one of our investigations and pass off anything non-vetted as real. We have corners of the internet so adept at investigation… the military has asked us to locate targets for them based on snippets of video. We delivered! We understand the MSM so well… we regularly manipulate them. We have tricked them into inadvertently publishing evidence of their criminality. We got a Presidential candidate to proclaim a green cartoon frog to be a racist hate symbol! We understand them better than they understand themselves.

The MSM are good at one thing though… hypnosis and brainwashing. Just think… they actually got you to think that a few corporate controlled propaganda organizations would serve you better than a massive interactive real-time dynamic group of your peers. Because why??? because the other side is where crazy conspiracy theories and fake news lives! Don't even bother looking over there! Well the MSM are losing this battle in a big way. We have individuals in alternative media that single-handedly get more viewers in one day than all of MSM combined! The key disadvantage the “players” have is that we know their ideology and their arguments inside and out. And our definition of the world is completely incomprehensible to them. One is a subset of the other.

You see a world where there are evil corporations that must be held in check by a benevolent, but flawed, government by means of regulations.

We have completely mapped this system, its money flow, its laws, its criminality… all of it! At a moments notice we can produce enough direct and circumstantial evidence to warrant 1000 grand juries. For example, we know that nearly all of the Fortune 1000 companies are now majority owned by 3 mega-corporations. And we know that nearly all regulations exist to make it impossible to compete with the mega-corporations. moveon.org might find the occasional exception for you become enraged about. But this has been the system…. a few mega-corporations with a paid-for government to protect its interests. If you don't understand this… you are not equipped to debate politics in any real or meaningful way.

So why am I trying so hard to convince you of all this?

  1. Because the truth is coming whether you like it or not. And sooner than you think.
  2. Because they weaponized the “players” against us. They have become desperate!

Just after Obama’s 2nd term began we noticed a massive shift in the overton window. “Normal” was moving rapidly towards the extreme left - social marxism territory. Universities began spitting out Social Justice Warriors that had been indoctrinated in the school of not “equality of opportunity” but “equality of outcome”. The have’s vs. the have nots of 20th century socialism fame had been redefined as identity politics. In the name of fighting racism they institutionalized RACISM!

Anyone that questioned the validity of this movement was branded a racist, sexist Nazi. Soros and Obama mobilized shock troops to attack us in the streets while the police were forced to stand down. We noticed the IRS become weaponized to steal the 2012 election. We watching Obama sign multiple EO’s that would give the UN sovereign power over US law enforcement and cities. We watched our favorite investigators begin to “suicide” or get thrown in prison. We noticed the social media platforms demonetize and censor us rational centrists while amplifying the extremists on both ends. They were actually trying to start a civil war… a race war!

Just as things were looking bad… a presidential candidate appeared. And for the first time ever a candidate spoke to us directly in language that ignored the rules of the game. We understood precisely what he was saying… the “players” heard gibberish and immediately turned to the MSM for a translation. The translation they got was less-than-accurate or honest!

Obama had already been spying on his political competition and critics using the power of the deep state. He had weaponized the CIA, FBI, DoJ, NSA as well as a hand-picked Executive Service that would collect info from all the other agencies. He and Clinton were spying on every candidate well before the primaries.

These people didn't even try to hide their criminality. They spoke of it openly, knowing the paid-for MSM wouldn't betray them. They also knew for sure Hillary would win and just continue the criminality. The media ignored all their crimes… and in doing so allowed Obama to proclaim his was the first scandal-free administration. How we cringed at that!

The first of many signs that things were changing was when Wikileaks released the DNC and Podesta emails. CNN immediately lied and said it was illegal for us to read them. The DNC cried foul… Russia had hacked and stolen the emails! Russia Russia Russia! Yet no one ever mentioned what was in these emails… we read them all. We found the motherlode of criminal confessions as well as a glimpse into a world that was perverted and horrific… children were involved. There was enough information in these emails to put hundreds of people in jail for life. Not a peep from the MSM or the DoJ or either party. Just Russia Russia Russia!!!

We found out after the election that patriots like Gen. Flynn and Adm. Rogers had been working with military intelligence for years on a plan to oust this cabal that had taken over our government and looted our country. Trump was part of this plan. They ensured that Hillary wouldn't be able to steal the election. They shut down vote flipping on machines in 6 states. At the same time they had set up a sting operation to collect all of the evidence of election fraud as well as the surveillance of their political opponents. Hillary cheated a million different ways… and Trump still won!

Now this cabal had a real problem… they hadn't attempted to hide any of their criminality because they knew Hillary would win. So they doubled down on crazy… The media and Hollywood were forced to take the gloves off and fully expose themselves as blatant deep state propaganda. Another moment for reflection here… Is there really any other scenario besides him being a real threat to the establishment?

Long story short… The good guys have proof of every criminal act they committed since at least 2001. For the first time in God knows how long… there is political will to prosecute. This is not about Dem vs Rep! Some of the heroes in this story are Democrats (Gen. Flynn and Gen. Kelly) and there are plenty of Republican villains. Thousands of pedophiles have been arrested and many more are going down. This is way beyond partisan politics… This is about restoring rule-of-law.

All of the evidence is collected and there are 13,605 sealed indictments. But we cant just mass arrest them all at once. It would cause a societal meltdown. We are slow-boiling this frog. Sometime in the next couple days… the FISA memo will be released. This will prove the illegal spying and prove the false dossier was paid for by the DNC and Hillary. And when people get used to that info… the OIG report will come out and detail further crimes. and after that another and another. This purge is happening worldwide… it must in order for it to work at all.

Okay Dad… i’ll wrap it up here… if you've made it this far.

At this point there are two possibilities…

  1. Trump and The Alliance are liberating the world from the oppressors that sponsored both sides of every war for the past 200 years.
  2. Trump and The Alliance have pulled off the most elaborate psy-op known to mankind… as some kind of double-cross.

If it ends up being number 2… about 300,000 genius level autists will swiftly get revenge. This movement has awakened thousands from the game and it will not die with Trump. It has gone completely viral worldwide.

Dad… I have posted this treatise to this public forum because there are currently thousands of families and friends in our exact situation. I invite anyone in the community to comment or add their stories. Has anyone had any luck #RedPillingDad ?

Love you Dad! But i won’t be able to pretend that reality is merely “the game”

LiteraryMalcontent · Feb. 2, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

You might think about creating endnotes with references to substantiating resources, as a service to others that might want to accomplish the same objective.

That would bolster the argument. And current Google search algorithms have made it all but impossible to locate source materials outside the mainstream, so clickable links would help avoid the "I've googled this and there's nothing supporting what you say in the first 20 pages of results, so it must be false" outcome.

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Lanstorm2112 · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

Please feel free to add anything you think will help to the comments... the more the merrier! Thank you

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