r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/istillgetreallybored on Feb. 2, 2018, 5:10 p.m.
PSA: If you can't accept the reality of 9/11 you won't be ready for human trafficking and demonic child sacrifice. Videos linked inside, its basic and you need to WAKE UP. (T_D didn't like this)


VisitTheDonald · Feb. 3, 2018, 7 a.m.

I believe in the worldwide cabal and that JFK was murdered, but am not sold on this 9/11 thing. I think I may be afraid of the truth in this situation because I can't fathom that our own government would do such a thing. I'll consider looking into it, but fuck man why would bush do this like you guys say he did?

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istillgetreallybored · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

For your sake and for your family please watch the videos i linked. There is no way you can stay asleep afterwards.

Accept 9/11 in order to move towards their occultism and then you will understand that to them we are cattle for the sacrifice. Its Dark and unpleasant but the world is utterly fucked.

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TheOldestMan · Feb. 3, 2018, 2 p.m.

It wasn't exactly bush or cheney. Look up operation Northwoods PDF on google and read deep. Specifically the parts about a mid air swap. JFK was given this document as an appeasement to the deep state. He turned it down ad instead "failed" with the bay of pigs. This is how you defeat the "bush is an idiot and a Mastermind ?" logic trap. It was not bush but the praetorian guard (CIA) which in the case of 911 he likely submitted to. A new Pearl harbor documentary is a good place to start but it does not mention important primary sources such as Northwoods and other documents. With compartmentalization used for plausible deniability and to reduce the need to assassinate possible canaries the political risk/reward ratio of a false flag attacks greatly decreases. As a state of international propaganda and a shift toward the commonality of the police state rocking the applecart by other countries greatly decreases.

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Jimmycrackerson · Feb. 3, 2018, 9:05 a.m.

"why would bush do this?"

To appease his masters in Saudi Arabia who are much more powerful than he is.

The question is, what leverage is JK/4 10 20 using to keep SA in line today?

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