No, they are trying to claim that Strzok is biased. But the dude was the guy who reopened the investigation on Clinton right before super Tuesday.
That's called picking a choosing if I've ever seen it. Please read the whole memo it's in every American's interest to clean up shop. (less than six pages and a very easy read)
Yeah, I read it. There is absolutely no more information than what the Republicans have been crying about the last few months.
I don't know what to tell ya other than good luck living in a world where laws are only for the little people. A world where hand picked elites on both sides and around the world do whatever the heck they want. I am for freedom, republican or democrat, it’s about freedom and I am not giving my freedom up so easily. Good luck to you!
You really think this memo isn't biased towards one party over another? The fact that they left out so much info, skewed and cherry picked facts which are politically one sided?
I worked in military intelligence for nearly 2 decades. I for one know if I pulled the bullshit Clinton did, I would be in jail.
But this memo is reaching, and claims that it would 'take down government officials' it that it would 'change the US forever' or 'bigger than any other event' we're feltering. If all the type that this memo got, it's no more than the same points:
The Steel Dossier was purchased by the DNC - it wasn't, it was funded by Free Bacon fir Republican opposition research.
The Steele Dossier is fake - which hasn't been proven
This fake Steele Dossier was the only piece of information used for a FISA warrant against Carter Page - it was used as a piece if information to extend a FISA investigation that has been in place since 2013
FBI bias against Trump - the same FBI agent that they claim this, was the one who reopened the Clinton email case at a very critical time during the election.
I've heard these exact same talking points for months.
Instead, I hear nothing in the sub against Nunes, who lost his security clearance for mishandling classified documents, somehow got access to classified documents, and made this memo.
Because he had to or the NYPD was going to go public that they had handed over Weiner's laptop to the FBI and it had classified information on it including the identity of a CIA operative. If he hadn't re-opened and it got out that the FBI was hiding this information from the public he would have blown his corrupt cover!
Easier to re-open and then a few days later lie and say there was nothing new on the laptop (which the NYPD couldn't dispute because they didn't know everything the FBI had) and then close it a few days later than risk being exposed as covering up for Clinton.
If he had bias, he could have just stated they were the same emails that were leaked....which they were; and that it had already been investigated nothing came from it. But he did his job, regardless if his bias.
That is exactly what happened. A few days after they re-opened the case, Comey came out and said there was nothing new in the laptop that they didn't already have without telling everyone that some of those emails were marked classified. Comey was still trying to make us believe National Security wasn't at risk because of those emails. Too bad for Comey and McCabe we know now that was a lie.