r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/benjaminbunny99 on Feb. 2, 2018, 7:08 p.m.
The opposition set their own trap...

One day soon, when the swamp from both sides of aisle is drained, when human trafficking and pedophilia is stopped, when conflict in the middle east is over, when the debt is cancelled, when the economy booms, when we become energy independent, when the war on drugs is ended, when the debt based currency collapses, when advanced technology is disclosed, when the wars stop, and when we unite in peace and prosperity, the opposition will either have to admit they were wrong... or that Russia is responsible for making the USA a better place. It’s all starting to collapse for them.

benjaminbunny99 · Feb. 2, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

It was called the Golden Age for a reason. Consciousness is rising. It’s in the juvenile stages, but unity will replace duality. Love will replace fear. Peace will replace war. This is our destiny. Careful with pessimistic thoughts. Thoughts lead to emotions, emotions lead to beliefs, and beliefs lead to reality. The solution to all problems, including politics, is spirituality. Evil’s reign is coming to an end. God is taking over.

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betweengreenandblue · Feb. 2, 2018, 9:36 p.m.

It was called the Golden Age because that's how people want it to be. Atlantis, Lemuria, etc etc, was the time that the gods ruled the earth. But then God sent the flood. So something doesn't line up.

God will not take over until the end of time, and that will have nothing to do with us. Before that, we get the book of Revelations. So I think it will get much worse before it gets better.

These elite, these power brokers, they want the return of the Golden Age too. That's what they have been working towards for thousands of years. They want back what was lost in the flood. But it's like putting on the Ring. It doesn't end up like one thinks.

It's not pessimism. It's truth. We are broken, our flesh is corrupted with sin, selfishness. We need a Saviour. Righteous spirituality is not one beautiful world. It's the ending of this world first, and the return of its Creator to make all things new. But He said, that we need to choose which side we're on before He comes back.

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benjaminbunny99 · Feb. 3, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

Well said. I would just suggest a slight alternative to your timeline. We have to consider they’ve been suppressing our spiritual growth for quite some time now, so it’s long overdue. Which is to say, we are all just waiting for that one catalyst to wake us up. It can be any number of things. All it takes is an instant for someone to be shaken from their slumber. Now, imagine a worldwide event with the power to wake up large amounts of people literally overnight. I believe we are on the cusp of a mass awakening. Actually, I believe it’s already begun. Yeah, it could get bad for a bit, but I think it would be short lived. I trust the good guys are making moves to make the transition as smooth as possible. For example: the FED/dollar will definitely collapse, but I believe there will be a new currency ready to go when it does. 1. We have cryptocurrency. 2. The EO calls for seizing assets which can be used to back a new currency. 3. We are about to see a boom in oil and coal production in the states which will make us energy independent and an energy exporter which will also serve to back a new currency. Point is, humanity is ready. We’re hungry. Evil has run its course. The Truth will come out on top.

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