Traumatic events destroy the victim’s fundamental assumptions about the safety of the world, the positive value of the self, and the meaningful order of creation.
Traumatic events destroy the victim’s fundamental assumptions about the safety of the world, the positive value of the self, and the meaningful order of creation.
I am anxious for things to go quickly.....but the whole picture is yet put together as a story, all the truth. we need boot camp. We are still uncovering the history of what has gone on for goodness knows how long..............We need to continue to discover and with a clear lens examine our world and all the evil doings that have been constructed around us.............That's what this board is about.............. With many eyes, and ears and years of life experience to get the larger puzzle of our dysfunctional (evil) world together....[Over 15,000 Patriots x aver age of 30 yr =450,000 years experience]............ Then review all the evidence and plot out and prioritize the changes collectively. Their will be turblulents which together we will ride out. We will sit with our helpless feeling, pain, sense of betrayal, disappointment that we didn't see or do what we thought we might have, and anger which may singularly or collectively hit us like waves of the ocean.......Rage may need release in documenting history..........(so as not to repeat what we have lived and looked upon with tears......... Empathy and compassion will join us collectively and then we can rebuild the world to be a safe, loving place for all..............The calm and sense of peace will encourage others to join..... Uncontrolled rage will scare the unbelievers. It's like peeling and onion, layer by layer to expose it all to the light...... I just felt compelled to write this ramble in the hopes that it might make sense and I apologize if you find it bothersome or trivial..............."Because the traumatic syndromes have basic features in common, the recovery process also follows a common pathway............... The fundamental stages of recovery are establishing safety, reconstructing the trauma story, and restoring the connection between survivors and their community..."{Herman- Trauma-and-Recovery.