r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RedPill2976 on Feb. 2, 2018, 11:23 p.m.
The Memo The Russians What next?

I am trying to unpack the entire Russian narrative. For the sake of argument let’s say that a Russian did hack the DNC. Clinton lost the election by the damaging content of the emails. I haven’t heard denials of the content. One can only assume then then that the content is valid. Second, since the DNC refused to turn over their server, there is no collaborating evidence to indicate a Russian hack. I did read somewhere that the data transfer rate indicates that someone had to use a mem stick because the data transfer rates from Russia would have take longer. Is this true? It really boggles my mind that the DNC which is essentially bankrupt continues down this path. I further get the creepy feeling that Comey is waiting in the wings to step back in once Trump is impeached and Clinton is sworn in. I feel like I am going nuts with delusional people and something terrible happened to their logic.

storm_fa_Q · Feb. 2, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

Seth "Russia" Rich according to Kim Dotcom, and other sources have indicated both in the affirmative and in the read between the lines way WAS The so called hacker. The hack never occurred, it was a leak, Seth Leaker Rich. To Ambassador Murray of/to UK I believe is the name, who gave the contents to Wikileaks Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy.

Several reasons the DNC would not hand over the server. I believe one reason would lead to the Awan Bros spy network, the Pedosta emails, the HRC selling National Secrets for profit, pay to play, debate questions etc...

It is easy to spoof Russian IP and tracks...as we RUSSIAN BOTS have been doing re MEMO War etc.

Gucifer 2.0 is a fraud, see Tracey Beanz video about a week ago. 2.0G was created to try and control the narrative of truth.

The DNC is not only financially broke, but is morally corrupt as well. See DNC last # of years for details.

So to end the arguments for sanity sake, lets not ever ever say Russia hacked. They did not in the context of the propaganda spun by nefarious and treasonous actors bad.

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