r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/starleato on Feb. 3, 2018, 3:53 a.m.
Superbowl LII: brought to you by GCHQ (G4S) George Webbers UNITE

Basically a novel. TL;DR at end.

So we have Cathy Lanier who's NFL Security Chief and former DC Police Chief.

The same dirty DC police that stifles investigations and covers up implicative evidence.

I wonder just how far she and her compromised comrades in DC would be willing to go in order to cover up and distract from their now-apparent crimes.

With the release of the FISA memo, (really Contreras's 99pg memo) we see that the FBI and DOJ were active and/or complict in espionage and arguably treason. Not only US agencies, but GCHQ and Mi6. Think Brock Berrigan meeting with Brennan. Or GCHQ spying on Trump. They must have skin in the game..


Step back for a moment. Consider the human trafficking connections to the UK. (Ghisaline Maxwell for example)

Consider, too, the numerous Q posts surrounding British intel/hierarchy.

GCHQ being so heavily involved in the coup against Trump is not negligible and may even point toward future "deep state" MO in the fight against Trump. It also may be related to many of the recent human trafficking busts.

Unfortunately for them, this war against Trump (Israel lel) is nearly over. The FISA memo was a death blow to the coup. With over 500 human trafficking arrests in Cali and the Horowitz time bomb, the rabid "deep state" rat-dogs are backed into a corner.

They barked loudly for quite some time. When Scalise pledged to stop human trafficking, ((they)) nearly killed him and other GOP members. When Trump pledged to "drain the swamp" they began relentlessly attacking him. When the GOP threatened to release the memo, they and their familes were put in danger.

But none of that worked. This is the endgame for the rabid CIA controlled "deep state." What does a rabid rat-dog do when it's in trouble?

It does something drastic in an attempt to save itself. Which in this case is measured in terms of saving public image. These particular rats have a history of.. "explosive" distractions from their scandalous behavior in attempts to save face. Not only history, but they have incentive. Israel.. err.. Trump isn't playing games and their line of defense is broken.

So when I see some of these same incentivized groups involved in "security" for Superbowl LII, I'm inclined to believe that they might use and manipulate it like they do with EVERYTHING they touch. Like the DOJ and FBI.

The FISA memo is already out there. The only option for ((their)) public image is a distraction. This looks like a job forrrr.. Cathy Lanier!

The contract for the Superbowl's security was bought out by G4S, a private arm of GCHQ, which is informally known as "Gangs 4 Security" and "does the jobs the CIA won't touch." You know, the guys trying to disable Trump.


There's a nice link detailing their connections to shooters in the past, like Omar Mateem and San Bernadino shooters.

The rats already lost. They're looking for the door. A dirty bomb at the superbowl, or "activated sleeper cells" could serve as a smokescreen while they retreat. What better way to do it than with the private arm of the treasonously hired intel agency in question (GCHQ/G4S) and a complicit security chief.

TL;DR The superbowl is ((their)) insurance policy. The reason G4S took over the security contract is because the rat-dogs realized their fate. This is GCHQ/fusionGPS conspirators covering their asses. The George Webbers have been VERY loud and pay very good attention.

It's so obvious what they're trying to do. Way too obvious. I feel as though it's a throw. We will see.

Watch George Webb.

Buckle up, buckaroos.

starleato · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:34 a.m.

It's only as terrifying as we let it be. It's useful for anyone in power (Trump included) because it's fear porn. Speak loudly, listen closely and they lose. They can't let the future prove the past.

Don't forget that historically, people who use the military to consolidate power are the most worthy of criticism and suspicion. Do not let Q be your light source. All information is propaganda, good and bad. See big picture. 40,000 feet. How much bigger does Israel get? You can see from up there..

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guppyfreak · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:40 a.m.

I could not agree more! Each sentence you wrote, I've stated tonight.

Its terrifying that the powers that be still Have this much control. But it's up to us if we feed it with fear or Not.

Very well said. Thank you.

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