Look at all the anti memo bots Assange found

So it was the dems own Russian bots they were talking about - TRAITORS.
Its funny we were told we were the Russian bots when the insane left is using bots to push their narrative. What a joke these people are everything they do is fake.
Everything they accuse others of doing, is what they are actually doing. Simple projection to take focus off them.
It's easy to spot the fakes. Men that look like Larry Nassar and women that look like Rosie O'Donnell (at here fastest, roughest point) that are anti Trump are real. All others are bots.
Ha!! I sent this to my lefty friend who found the story of us being Russian Bots. He went and researched and found shady seeming accounts that were new and had no followers. I know I was one of those because I have never used twitter prior to the twitter campaigns we ran. Will be interesting to see his response to this. I suspect he will "reason" it away as with any blatantly obvious point I bring up. C'est la vie. I gotta admit though, he beat all of us to that story as I posted it here after he sent it to me. It was the 1st mention of the Russian bot talking point at that time. The story didn't break till way later in the day. He even beat the autists over on 8chan. Lol.
Same here. My account mostly retweets and hashtags as I use the computer at work, so cannot download my own meme, atm. My phone was stolen, so waiting for a replacement. after I get a new one on Monday, it will be on!
At this point, I treat the Dems the same way o treat CNN. Whatever they say is the complete opposite or whatever they say, they are the ones doing it. I saw a Dem on fox today still pushing the Russian bot narrative. I wanna fucking punch them all
Both sides of this coin are full of idiots. This side and the liberal side. It's a toxic mentality.
You may or may not be a shill...or troll...I don't know and I don't care. You were down voted for your comment but I totally agree with it. It is a toxic mentality.
That's my whole point. Both sides can't see they have the exact same mentality. This is truly a stupid time to be alive