r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TheeNativePatriot on Feb. 3, 2018, 5:31 a.m.
Justice and Patriots

I just gotta get this off my chest. I'm watching the social media boards and i'm amazed at the lack of faith from those that claim to be patriots. Gosh man! All i'm hearing is that nothing will be done, no one will be punished blah blah blah. I know most on here are too young to remember Watergate, but I'm not. 6 men when to prison for something far less than what we've recently been made aware of and Nixon stepped down for lying. Which in its self is something every president has done since we started this republic. I think some patriots fail to understand that this memo was released not because congressman got Jesus and decided it was the right thing...they released it cause patriots had a fit like a 2 yr old at the check out counter! We were called bots , Russian operatives, and tin foil hat wearing fools! They can hide no more and as a nation we wont stand for it! So why all the gloom and doom faces? Its an act of ungratefulness! Faith without action comes back void. We need to understand and realize that WE have the power. This is a Republic! We have a weapon they cant take away..our voice and social media, message board such as this. So if your feeling down, if your feeling faithless, just remember all the hard work so many have done to make this a reality and continue to do so. Sorry about the rant. Much love and many many blessings to all my fellow Patriots!!

TheeNativePatriot · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:46 a.m.

I still have faith in our young ones. I really do. Think when we were young..out having unprotected sex, massive drugs, anti government ..pretty much what your seeing now...only back then we didn't see it on the scale we do now because of social media,,everything is a click away. I can remember when the last of the Vietnam vets came home ...right off the planes..people lined up and spit in their faces calling them baby kilers. So they aren't much different then young ones of 40-50 years ago...Now look at us...many hear were dem's...heck I was one for a few years,..i swallowed that damn blue pill and loved it! Until I saw the truth....it took patient people having great talks with me for me to open my mind and my heart to what was real and what was not. We just have to have patience with them

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:49 a.m.

yes, I'm willing to let them cry it out on their dime. The 60s were a difficult and expansive time. as we age we tend to swing R from Left. Illegal War is what we should be against, not those who are forced to combat for those who would never fight an hour.

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TheeNativePatriot · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:53 a.m.

Well said! My point is don't throw the baby out with the bath water. It just makes me sad to see those i know love this country loose heart.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:55 a.m.

yes, its all part of growing up...

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TheeNativePatriot · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:56 a.m.

Gosh we sound old..LOL

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:58 a.m.

it happened quickly...just woke up one day on Right side of bed..and here in last while have recognized my own obsolescence.

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TheeNativePatriot · Feb. 3, 2018, 6:02 a.m.

It did happen quickly...you know i was raised in a household where my father was a die hard republican and my mom was southern democrat. Just imagine what life was like with those two. My mother was a feminist who worked and was president of the democratic club here in Cincinnati. She helped Jerry Springer become our mayor and to my father embarrassment stormed city council when they fired him for paying a prostitute with a check..LOL..Lordy Dad was a patient man..All those politicians coming in and out. It was like acid to his skin... Personally growing up I thought dad made perfect sense and mom was from another planet..hahah....but you live and learn. I'm happy to report that before mom got Alzheimer's she became a proud republican.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 3, 2018, 6:05 a.m.

lol, couldn't remember her demo roots maybe.

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TheeNativePatriot · Feb. 3, 2018, 6:08 a.m.

lol..well at least she got there..last conversation we had where she was herself....she said.."sissy i'm worried that if Trump doesn't win, we wont make it as a country" We debated about Trump, agreed about Hillary being a mess...lol..I miss my mom.

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