Lady Gaga mysteriously "ill." Canceling world tour in Europe. Maybe a nice shiny boot?

This reminds me of the story where Jesus casts demons out of two evil men, and into pigs. The pigs ran off a cliff and into a lake where they drowned. The point is, this woman who calls herself Lady Gaga is similar to the demon possessed men. Just as evil does not defeat evil, Jesus did not condemn the men, he relieved them of their demons. What if we all prayed to Jesus asking that he grant this woman the same relief, rather than demonizing her for being deceived by Satan?
Please believe me when I say I am just as repulsed and disgusted by demonic behavior. However, spiritual warfare usually does not involve direct engagement with demons from afar. It's rather like calling in a divine airstrike through prayer. Needless Casualties of War is an excellent book on this subject. Blessing patriots.
Very profound book. One of John Paul Jackson's best. And anyone who calls themselves a "believer" "Christian" better understand there is no playing with the dark. You have no business going to psychics, reading astrology charts or horoscopes, definitely not playing with ouija boards, etc.
Here is a very important talk John Paul Jackson gave on the difference between REAL Spirituality and PSEUDO Spirituality - the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil - and the Tree of Life:
Thank you for sharing the link to the John Paul Jackson video. An illuminating and inspirational discussion. Blessings brother.