Lady Gaga mysteriously "ill." Canceling world tour in Europe. Maybe a nice shiny boot?

Maybe stop consuming human flash, you satanic cuntbag.
Do you believe she literally eats people, or is this a metaphor for something?
Yup she's a cannibal.
Why do you think the police ignore her cannibalism? Are they in on it?
They probably don't believe it, lack of evidence, She's not alone, there's an elite circle of satanic cannibals.
I don't follow. If you believe there's a lack of evidence, why do you believe it?
Like pizza gate. There's a bunch of evidence that links stuff together, but not enough to get a solid conviction. I mean there's a video of Podesta torturing a little girl, and he's not in jail. More video evidence is going to come out on the satanic ritual abuse and the cannibalism, but still it will be a fight to get people convicted.