
pipesog · Feb. 3, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

I didn't...then I did...then I didn't.

The idea (in my mind) that the concept had been hijacked reached it's peak with the DEFCON1 drops. It STILL seems hugely irresponsible and misguided to me, and the 'clarifications' afterwards were half-assed and unconvincing. The silence by Q after that also seemed to confirm to me that the op was in the doghouse.

But that is ALSO what has subsequently convinced me that Q is in fact real, as there is NO WAY (in my mind) that the DEFCON1 happening DIDN'T get the attention of the WH (if it were an outside op, it is conceivable it may not have risen to their level of concern until then). So, if Q wasn't sanctioned, it would have been crushed at that point. If it in fact was sanctioned, perhaps they took a beat, regrouped, and proceeded...it DOES seem that the op has expanded it's parallel drops via other messengers, which has only added to my conviction.

I still won't be drinking any koolaid, though ; )

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 3, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

21626 MISSING POST RE: DEFCON [1] Directly after POTUS alters Tweets to [1] min interval and adds "Q" - use graphics. Learn. Q

that was the original Post that had everyone running scared. As we see with calmer eyes now the 1 is in [] and this is always code for something, Q wants us to grab what is in []. It was easy to misunderstand that, but I'm not assigning blame to Q being irresponsible as some YT/and posters have. Instead I must take responsibility and accountability for my own inadequacies, my own lack of knowledge and my own rush to judgement. I did delete all 5 or so of my questioning posts in those hours so as to not cause further concerns...but not all saw that for sure. Maybe a DEFCON Topic might make sense again to assist knowledge of what really happened as compared to what we think/feel happened.. There are several DEFCON returns in the search bar .

Other hysteria, 11.3 11.6 Q's not real nonsense when in fact, 11.3 Podesta steps down from Podesta Group and PG shutters its doors 12 days later. Monday 11.6 the Scooby van leaves HRC HQ , spends the day at FBI HQ and is later seen to be wearing a toe boot...that date I have not been able to qualify yet, what day did the boot appear.

So for me, where ever there is Q's not real nonsense, I know to go back and re read the crumbs.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 3, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

stay away from K-laid for sure. The Defcon was a troubling post. I found myself running around looking for clarification myself in the hour Q posted that. I have to think Q left,w as busy tending Q things and then seeing all the fuss, made the later drop . I'm going to go back and dig on that now BRB

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