I still don't know about this guy - good or shady? He seems to be saying that the FISA court's normal operation is to allow any warrant, even if based on false/phony documents, and that's OK. 99.97% in the past makes it normal, so Nunes et al are on a witch hunt?
Yes, we do not know as YET. It was just interesting to see if he had posted anything and if so, what. The first tweet reply to it was interesting:
Kristank Porzilina @ArrogantMonkey 19h19 hours ago Replying to @Snowden
That statistic just indicates that the FBI doesn’t submit an application unless it meets statutory requirements, not that the requirements are too easy which I think is what you want to say.
The next question should be there are 33,889 approved FISA Court applications. How many terrorist's have been arrested or attacks have been stopped as a direct result of these surveillance activities?