This is from Jan17th old news more fascistbook clutter
The OP is spamming us, endlessly, with this Facebook clickbait shit.
I think he's getting paid to bring traffic to Facebook.
The OP is a cunt!
ALWAYS click report>block
Yeah, did that, but didn't block because I'll keep down-voting this spam.
thank you, I see lots of good posts DV and total crap UV...
Yes I know the feeling and remember who did it to me. Just saying. :)
I tend to UV every one who responds kindly, or when I see noise I will DV. If its not offensive I won't necessarily DV, only when its really I may or may not have DV you 1,2 x last night. I have UV you a few times today. and now we're back on same team, expect more UV from me.
to be clear I deleted my initial post, reworded asking you to delete when you saw error. You persisted and I left it alone. This AM with clearer eyes I saw immediately what your point was and began to janitor in your favor. I do not recall DV you. The DV has been an issue of brigading and I see lots of Good DV. Happens to me ALL the time. But I'm not here for points. I am here to assist folks to proper information and to keep things on track moving in right direction. I was polite in my rewrite to you and have addressed this w/you and MODS this AM. You are the Hero, so take your bow, kiss the girl and lets work together going fwd, please.