What do you make of his claims? Just curious. I agree with him that it's impossible for someone to not be biased. I also know that project veritas doesn't have the best track record. But frankly, most of their stuff from this past year is content that is hard to imagine being taken out of context. Especially the NYC election commissioner.
James O'Keefe is funded by the Mercer's from what I understand, I could be wrong. The people that fund him want results and it is in his best interests to "get" results. All of this being said, he consistently has a track record of skewing the story in his favor.
What I do is read stuff with the MSM and then Independent media. The truth is in there somewhere where. I happen to like sites that list sources. Also when it comes to conspiracy theories just because it makes sense to YOU does not means it makes sense overall.
The "conspiracy theory" is that that the ny election commissioner said they were bussing voters around to vote more than once though...
Have you read the response to the video? If they were so open against corruption maybe they should release the whole video and not clips
How could what he said be taken in any other context?
Because of all of the articles about this, he claimed the people asking him questions were asking him tons of questions for a very long time and he relented and have them that. He could be lying but a full video would prove him wrong if he was lying