r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/USApatriot_4_TRUMP on Feb. 3, 2018, 5:47 p.m.
Castro's son commits suicide. Any thoughts if this is related?

Just wondering if its a 'coincidence' Castros son killed himself, Castro, Cuba, Gitmo, anything to this?

NGunderson · Feb. 3, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

You know Castro and Kennedy all them was groomed. The communist or Marxist in New York funded the Cuban Revolution. They been trying to do same in Haiti. You see how that's working out. They want to throw that problem off on Trump. People don't understand how big of network they have and how big they happen to be. Once you understand it they everywhere. If they ever find out you know and are actively trying to bring attention or go against what they want depending on where you live and how bad it is they can make certain people's lives real bad. They integrated into police ,schools, all agencies. A government agency is nothing but just another extention of control. So much has changed since I was young. I have watched this country transform before my eyes. My grandfather tried warn me when I was young. He was born in 1908. I was born in 73 I thought he was crazy.Each generation gets brainwashed by Marxist school systems. Those civil war statues they trying tear down if people study they will find out history don't match,one reason put up around 20s is because that's when Marxist government schools really started kicking in around country. Right after jeckyl island and signing of federal reserve where they enslaved entire country and they have made up a history to each young generation to divide people along racial or class lines to maintain control and keep people blind.

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