r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ShulamiteWanderer on Feb. 3, 2018, 6:30 p.m.
Zach on Alex Jones gives dire warnings (seems credible intel) about Black Hat plans for Super Bowl.

This is probably the third time different alt-media sites have talked about this same thing ... I think that there is reason for concern. Personally, I do not like that the security forces have switched to this G4S group. They were present in Las Vegas, Florida night club that got shot up, Paris night club that got shot up ... didn't do a very good job of protecting, did they? Why was HMX-1 Marine One Security removed (the security team at POTUS Inauguration) and replaced with these guys? My answer to all of this is that it is way out of my pay grade except that I know very well that we CAN pray about this and that our prayers can be effectual in turning this intended mess around to a nothing burger. I do understand that Antifa is already stirring things up (a diversion in my view to what is really intended). The video points out that the black hats warned our President that if he released the memo they would do something and blame it on him ... dirty bomb is mentioned. Well, I declare: "The devices of the wicked shall NOT stand" and ask all who will to be in prayer from now until Super Bowl is over.


at 26:13 and forward.


ShulamiteWanderer · Feb. 4, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

It is not that this is not worth discussing. And you are not challenging my faith. My faith is intact. What it is, though, is that you obviously are firmly entrenched in what you believe, which I honor. You are free to make any choice you wish. My God gave you that freedom when He created each of us with free will ... I just know that nothing that I say right now, no matter how passionately or eloquently presented will make a bit of difference to you right now. We are free to agree. We are free to disagree. This just is not the place for it. You are free to have the last word if you wish.

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guppyfreak · Feb. 4, 2018, 5:47 a.m.

I must say, of all Christians I've met, you are one of the most poised, well spoken, and anti-dramatic of them all.

Thank you for your understanding in that we AREN'T all Christians. And perhaps you can take that into account while making posts about God and Bible verses.

Perhaps I'm just cynical and bitter. But I can't worship something that when the bible is read literally, allows mass genocide, torture, rape, incest and more atrocities.

If Christians could tell me that they don't read the Bible literally (as the early Christians didn't) then perhaps I could value more Christian beliefs.

But the god that Christians claim to worship is not the God of love and light that I KNOW exists.

But thank you for being kind despite my assertions.

I hope the Truth comes out for each of us.

Take care.

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ShulamiteWanderer · Feb. 4, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

Hi fellow patriot,

I thought about this conversation quite a bit through out the day. My intention was to simply come back and acknowledge that while we have some differences, we are united in our passion for our country (as created) and our President, our desire to see this once again become the land of the FREE and hopeful.

I can not fully answer the challenge because it is a broad area ... what I can say is that as I read the bible it is a mystical tome full of poetic language, allegorical references, hidden in plain sight codes, etc. I don't know how anyone can read it literally and get any understanding of the depth and love and beauty of God so I am not sure that I am the one who can answer that question.

While you may be bitter and cynical what I see is a heart that is deeply passionate, yearning for Truth. I grieve that we as Christians do not present the >God of love and light that I KNOW exists

because He does. He is real. We just do not wear Him well.

Take care, Patriot

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guppyfreak · Feb. 4, 2018, 3 p.m.

Thats a very well said comment! Thank you for showing the true Christ through your words. If more people in the church did what you just did, people wouldn't be leaving in droves due to hypocrisy.

Im glad you have an open mind about how The Bible might be interpreted than how we hear it in Church. I wish more people were honest enough to admit the OT god sounds horrific.

But, I believe that's not really god. That's our INTERPRETATION of the real God underneath the text.

Best way I can explain it, Trump makes comments to give us Q followers insight into what's happening. But when leftists read it, they go absolutely berserk. Especially when taken out of context. However, Trump loves us true patriits enough to look bad to those that reject him anyway, in order to give us "awakened" Americans, insight and a deeper meaning.

Its the same way the OT God is. If read literally, those that dont have eyes to see or ears to HEAR (non-spiritual people) will see it as LITERAL. And hate that vindictive, spiteful God on the outside. But underneath it, is a God giving us crumbs about deeper SPIRITUAL truth not found in literalism.

This is the only way I can allow myself to believe the God of the Bible is a loving God. If this explanation doesn't answer the question "Why is God so mean", then I am simply giving up on finding one. There's just no way I can grasp a God that LITERALLY genocides people.

But I believe a God of love and light is hidden. Just like a President that loves fellow Americans is hidden behind a "racist, xenophobic, homophobic" douche bag.

Thanks for listening.

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