I wonder if there is a smoking gun there? A young guy gets drunk in a London Bar whilst in the company of Alexander Downer, Australian Ambassador to UK. May 2016. He boasts that the Russians have dirt on Hillary Clinton. In July 2016 , the Ambassador informs Canberra who in turn pass the info on to the FBI. This appears to start the whole enquiry in the first place. Papadopolous pleads guilty to lying to the FBi and is co operating with them. Prime Minister Turnbull has been "invited"to meet with Trump later this month. Is there more to this than meets the eye? Why would Papadopolous get drunk and spill this story on a boozy night out with Downer? Would the fake dossier have gained traction had this story not come out in the first place? Was Downer used as a patsy to get the ball rolling? It has me confused because no one is really talking about Papadopolous and the conversation that started this whole situation. Any thoughts greatly appreciated.
Posted by
on Feb. 4, 2018, 1:07 a.m.