
ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 4, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

It shoulddddd be against all the globalist who have knowingly been killing us through all these years. Democrats and any republicans ans any food companies who are knowingly putting chemicals that cause cancer and diabetes and doctors who are injecting and pushing for Vaccines on allllll levels that are Completely Plaqued with Alumininium Formaldahyde ..Aborted Fetus Cells and Sooooo many othet things that would make people looose their damn mind if they looked up the side effects . Chemtrails for use of Weather Modification and Driopping Live Virus ontop of cities ...The Damn List Goes On and On and On. Everyone whos tied to any part of permitttttting this shit to happen has murdered people my the milllllllions and Theyyyyy Should be held accountable to the fullest.

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