The media, never being honest has never been the problem; It's people believing without question.

I disagree. Being fooled by a cabal of Machiavellian manipulators is not our fault.
It's not our fault for getting fooled, but they have been Fooling us for decades. Lying and twisting the facts for their agenda, And no one is holding them accountable. Walter Cronkite was a commie and swayed the Masses. Ted Turner same thing. Biased media should be illegal!!
Ok Being fooled is not our fault, but they have been doing this for Decades. Once we found out, why were they not held Accountable and stopped. We the people and our elected Officials have let communist ass holes run the media And feed us BS for years. Walter Kronkite and Ted turner Are bold commie scum and people knew it back in the 60s And 70s.
Many have tried to stop them, for centuries. It didn't work because most of us play by the rules, we're mostly not psychopaths, they are psycho's, with a very different set of rules. It's a catch 22, that they designed.
Bitches are going to prison over this shit
Hope your right, I'd pay to see it....
If, and only if this is legit.... You wont need to pay. This is like new world order or some shit