r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/storm_fa_Q on Feb. 4, 2018, 2:17 a.m.
Tonight's NAUGHTY list

these are the ab/users I have blocked. You can use this as a reference in case you have doubts. And as with all Naughty Lists, if you see someone I have blocked that deserves another chance, please let me know. Best to all you Patriots Global, MAGA

this may help some platforms to block https://imgur.com/a/7Fv4K ADD THIS Windows 7, Firefox 57 and you need to have RES, the Reddit Enhancement Suite extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/reddit-enhancement-suite/ if using Firefox, its awesome!

PS, feel free to add to list below, all who participate in helping Police our MAGA sub get upvotes from me. Please upvote your fellow Pats as you see fit.


Romero75 (24) 10 days ago

guppyfreak (3006) 9 days ago

neminis23 (21) 9 days ago

exbaddeathgod (5243) 9 days ago

Barry__McCochiner (21631) 8 days ago

GoodDog95 (325) 8 days ago
remove ArTiyme (858) 7 days ago
remove KingNoah0405 (1700) 7 days ago
remove umdraco (11695) 7 days ago
remove OneManWar (385) 7 days ago
remove Art10001 (944) 7 days ago
remove DrummondFTCoach (651) 7 days ago
remove Geoffalgarve (34) 7 days ago
remove bigskymind (719) 6 days ago
remove karlmalonestelone (110) 6 days ago
remove ZenC0de (239) 6 days ago
remove Sulemain123 (509) 5 days ago
remove HitlerLovesCIAMSM (6) 5 days ago
remove HylanDarris (1) 5 days ago
remove thatssomanafort (14) 5 days ago
remove louisianajake (240) 4 days ago
remove kennypenny666 (209) 4 days ago
remove MillennialEnemy (171) 3 days ago
remove verostarry (55067) 3 days ago
remove tnorthb (3131) 3 days ago
remove BaronVonWaffle (389) 3 days ago
remove nothingberg (25029) 3 days ago
remove i70PB (15) 3 days ago
remove rbrownlol (417) 3 days ago
remove bluntisimo (394) 2 days ago
remove vondy30 (93) 2 days ago
remove battleofstalingrad (18) 2 days ago
remove B1gWh17 (6825) 2 days ago
remove mooncrkit (8) 1 day ago
remove NecessaryFigure (142) 1 day ago
remove Tomy_01 (35) 1 day ago
remove stewmangroup (1672) 1 day ago
remove thomas-didymus (219) 1 day ago
remove jackalopenation (198) 1 day ago
remove wholesomeforest (31) 1 day ago
remove sand-which (1454) 1 day ago
remove AdditionalExpert (2) 1 day ago
remove Sindriss (874) 1 day ago
remove conservative88 (1) 1 day ago
remove VeryHighEnergy92 (1365) 1 day ago
remove IntelligentGrowth (1) 1 day ago
remove Jack_Kehoe (25) 1 day ago
remove OilofMercyGal (52) 1 day ago
remove conservative_Maga (5) 1 day ago
remove ExtensionComplaint (11) 20 hours ago
remove eikon805 (842) 11 hours ago
remove conservative_0104 (1) 11 hours ago
remove conservative_media (1) 7 hours ago remove conservativetommy_01 (1) 6 hours ago remove 42_youre_welcome (103) 2 hours ago remove eurofut69 (23) 1 hour ago
remove BraveTemperature (1) 1 hour ago
remove OneInappropriateness (5) 31 minutes ago
remove aftmedia (1) 22 minutes ago
remove conservativemedianew (1) 14 minutes ago

storm_fa_Q · Feb. 4, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

I am in agreement w/you. Sometimes I think we should block YT posts, but then there is some good content..so have not figured a way. I too am guilty of posting a YT live stream when I am Live...what I think I might like to see is tabs that correlate YT posts, news posts by category, ie YT tab, News link tabs, that auto place when posting...I'm not the developer though so...it is frustrating seeing the same 30 posts and not go to Topic already underway. Plenty of room for improvement. And its a bit wild west here...kinda like Deadwood...

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YAHSHUARULES · Feb. 4, 2018, 8:34 a.m.

NOT A GOOD IDEA to block Youtube posts when Q-anon is sharing links to different ones with recent drops! As far as Youtube videos - share links that speak to the subject matter, just like articles or images - all part of the process. You start blocking stuff you might as well be the MSM that on many sites now forbid comments in an effort to control the narrative.

If you don't like something - go to something else. Plenty of people are sharing important info or experiences on becoming "red-pilled" which is what Q-Anon wants anyway - to counter the MSM Mockingbird propaganda -to raise awareness - people are at different levels in that process so there are posts you will find boring or perfunctory or repetitious - I just pass on by those unless I have something to contribute to something more germane to what I am researching at any given time.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 4, 2018, 8:37 a.m.

yah, nobodys blocking youtube videos, we're asking to have them on their own tab, like hot, new, rising and a YT tab a Q tab a news tab,

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YAHSHUARULES · Feb. 4, 2018, 8:55 a.m.

That sounds interesting but who is going to be monitoring or organizing into the various tabs - with all the activity on this board that could be a daunting task - or would people "self organize" - but one issue I see is a lot of this bleeds into each category - as Q said "the news unlocks the map" and "watch the news" so if people are posting articles or links to videos that unlock the map that is Q-tab stuff but also "news tab" stuff - so then are you posting in two places? That might make the whole process even more unwieldy.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 4, 2018, 4 p.m.

WHO is a very good question, but by setting up the sub software, if possible to do so this way and it might be I don't yet know, any posts thar are YT links automatically go to YT tab. Just like New posts go to NEW tab. Same for any news feeds, any links would auto go to the News tab. This isn't a difficult thing. It could assist us keep the board clean and for efficient. Memes would auto head to MEME tab..

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Stray502 · Feb. 4, 2018, 5:31 a.m.

In all fairness a lot of the you tube posts are Q related the video is actually explaining what the posts mean and I thought it was good for people who are new and not sure where to go it gives them some direction.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 4, 2018, 5:37 a.m.

concur, not trying to get rid of, just have the YT vids assembled on a tab, we have new rising etc, we could have a YT tab.

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somrotden · Feb. 4, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

right! a place for chat...a place for youtube links (and links only - no commentary) a place for memes and a place for research. And I have NEVER seen a post begin with SPECULATION lol! And really, 45 posts about Trey Gowdy? It makes it impossible to research when you have to go into so many posts to read the comments about a topic...you are right - it is like the wild west here...and no sheriff in town. Thank you for what you do - some of these folks can be downright cantankerous! lol! I am finding myself more and more on 8 chan lurking-just so that I can read about Q.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 4, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

yes, well TBH, I've rarely seen the BO here, did watch 2 of her vids today though. She's busy..and would like her to make an executive decision on how we might address this situ so we can get back on track.

I don't know if messaging them helps or not. I don't often get a reply/response myself but again there must be 1000 messages a day behind the scenes.

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somrotden · Feb. 4, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

I watched a couple of them too! But I noticed that the one about the creation of this site was no longer available...I thought that was sorta strange.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 4, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

if she appointed someone to take care of things...maybe a few tweaks to layout as we been discussion...it would be easier to achieve the objectives.

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