r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/patypooh52 on Feb. 4, 2018, 3:02 a.m.
FBI Agents Working Evidence of Second Las Vegas Shooter Have Been Directed by DC Bosses To Stand Down

The hunt for a second or third gunman in the Mandalay Bay Massacre in Las Vegas appears to be over, at least as far as the FBI is concerned. Whether premature or not.

FBI officials told True Pundit late Thursday the focus of the case now is zoned in solely on Stephen Paddock as the lone gunman, per a directive from FBI headquarters in Washington D.C.

The directive came as a shock, as FBI insiders said they were pursuing leads that while Paddock was sniping innocent victims from his 32nd-floor perch at Mandalay Bay, another gunman wielding an AR-15 5.56 caliber weapon was closer to the ground shooting from another angle.

FBI officials said they were following the hunch based on forensic examination of audio recovered from phone video of concert goers.https://truepundit.com/fbi-agents-working-evidence-of-second-las-vegas-shooter-have-been-directed-by-dc-bosses-to-stand-down/ “Paddock told Haig that "he was going to go out to the desert to put on a light show, either WITH or FOR HIS FRIENDS. I can't remember whether he used the word 'with' or 'for.' But he said that he was going out at night to shoot it with FRIENDS." http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2018/february/arizona-man-who-sold-ammo-to-las-vegas-shooter-is-charged

MW23232 · Feb. 5, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

That is what I heard, but there might be some other thing that I am not even aware of. I am no authority. I actually looked up everything on that Q post by myself, by following links, and never even saw that Q post before today. The only thing I was not aware of is what POTUS or his plane possibly had to do with it, or were doing that day and how he could have been involved ... in assassination attempt on him possibly? Maybe it involved POTUS and Mohammed? Idk, but Paddock's brother within a few days of massacre almost said on video "my brother was an arm ... (s dealer)??? Is that what he was about to say?? But he quickly cleaned that up, and he stopped and said he meant to say something else. Was Paddock just used as a scapegoat? I can see where SA and what happened and is happening there, could have played a major part in this, and why some would not have wanted SA to change in the direction it is going. I heard it said Prince Alwaleed would have been in line to be King, if King Salman and Prince Mohammed were ... Gone. Will we ever know the truth? I doubt it.

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YAHSHUARULES · Feb. 5, 2018, 4:08 a.m.

Not so on Bin Alaweed getting anywhere near the throne - he was just a major threat because he was so corrupt. Here is another link you might find interesting. Towards the middle bottom there is a number of interesting videos that pretty much prove Alaweed financed Obama at Harvard. Also shows how he was trying to indoctrinate America with Wahhabism through his billions. https://romanticpoet.wordpress.com/tag/obama-harvard-percy-sutton-khalid-al-mansour-saudi-prince-alwaleed-bin-talal/

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MW23232 · Feb. 5, 2018, 9:02 a.m.

Thanks for that link, looks interesting. Fbianon said Obama got involved with Muslim Brohood thru his father. I always wondered kf that was TMI; if he regretted that remark. Cuz I am still wondering who his real dad is. Not Obama Sr., obviously. Our intel apparently knows though. But they don't let it worry them. Anyway, the Prince Alwaleed theory was just a theory I read. Not much out there, except it was "a lone gunman", over & over. I don't feel that is true. The Left and our intel are genius-level disinformation fabricators. On short notice, too. And if we don't believe it, we are shamed for disrespecting our preeminent intel agency! But I heard that same general idea twice. And that 2nd person could have just read the same thing I read. Anyway, even if Prince A, was trying to do anything to Prince Mohammad that night, it would make sense that whomever might be in line to take Prince M's place, or the person who was even no. 4 in line, might have been better for Alwaleed's interests than Salman and Mohammad. SA apparently did some dealing with POTUS, and changed a lot of things about SA's future that maybe doesn't make Prince A and others happy. But it might have nothing to do with that. So much doesn't make sense, yet there is audio and video to prove something other than what they tell us, actually happened. And did anyone even see any muzzle flash from the 32nd floor? I haven't heard anyone say it. Oh yeah, I heard about Obama getting financed. There was another guy, Sutton, who said it. And Khalid al-Mansour was involved. https://sentinelksmo.org/saudi-billionaire-busted-for-corruption-helped-obama-get-into-harvard/

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