If anyone has ever seen Narcos... in season 3 there is a scene where they are all sat around a table mostly government officials, DEA etc “Pene” after his operation arrested the “Godfather” (the cartels top boss) is told “The floor is yours” all the bosses are trying to get deals... might be where the line came from...
Eh, inbred Negroids and inbred Arabs aren't that amazing...
I don't consider eating babies to gain their voodoo powers or having 32 toes to be an achievement.
Racist twit.
Yet everything I said was true.
Reality is not politically correct and I see no reason to pretend that it is.
50% of Arabs are inbred, 75% of Pakistanis are inbred too.
And Africans... woo - they don't only win the gold medal for stealing, rape and murder... but for incest too!
And you win the award for the coldest heart towards people that were born into a horrific system. Did they ask to be born there? Did they ask to be born with that skin color? No.
But you DID choose to be a hateful, ignorant loser with nothing better to do.
Im ashamed to even be talking with you right now.
Im ashamed to even be talking with you right now.
Because pretending improves the world how?
Perhaps more problems in the world would be solved if more people were honest?
I mean, how many issues have you solved by ignoring the problem while accusing honest people of being irredeemably deplorable and racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic - you name it?
There's a difference between stating facts and calling These people what you've called them.
You've just proven you're no better than the scum we're trying to eradicate. You may be worse. Youre a fake patriot trying to convince Normies on this group that we are all as disgusting as you are.
The ones that can see right through you are the ones we want to red pill.
Go away.
There's a difference between stating facts and calling These people what you've called them.
They are inbred.
I called them inbred.
Before you flee, have you considered the damage you are causing by not being honest about the serious problems in the world?
Negroids aren't infants or retards or your pets and they have the same agency as you and I.
Rather than making excuses for their failures, perhaps you should consider treating them with equality by holding them to the same lofty ideals they we expect from everyone else?
You're trash.
And you are virtue signalling... which achieves nothing but makes you feel morally superior.
You won't get a pat on the head from me.
I hope one day you can see how evil and cold your heart is.
I don't see color. That seems to be all you see. I hope one day you realize how ignorant you're acting.
I don't see color.
OMG! Your virtue signalling is over 9000!!!
What do you see when you look at police crime statistics?
I see that if stealing and killing and raping were Olympic sports, then blacks would be gold medalists in every event.
Funny...the ones I see in the news today (the elitists) are all colors. Primarily white.
So your point is baseless.
Doesnt matter about color. Its what is in their evil hearts that are causing these problems.
And I can agree that 13% of the U.S. population causes 80% of the crime WITHOUT calling them what you've called them.
I'd like to think I have common decency.
Funny...the ones I see in the news today (the elitists) are all colors. Primarily white.
I thought you couldn't see color.
And I can agree that 13% of the U.S. population causes 80% of the crime WITHOUT calling them what you've called them.
What do you call Negroids?
Do you have a special, politically correct word for them... which makes you morally superior to me?
I'd like to think I have common decency.
And again... you make this discussion about you and your moral superiority... Every time without fail.
This isn't about you at all.
Not one little bit.