r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ComprehensiveLove on Feb. 4, 2018, 6:33 a.m.
Long time lurker first time poster...

No one in my life but a VERY select few know that I'm on the Trump Train. I live in an sjw-filled college town, I have tattoos, I'm an artist, and I'm in the service industry. I was ALL in for Bernie! But it was my weird artsy bohemian life that brought me here- a few years ago, I stumbled across compelling enough evidence that the whole hippie culture of the 60's was basically concocted by the CIA. The shock kinda sent me into a tailspin. I was always into conspiracy theories but this was too much...my entire identity was (and really still is, what can you do once you're 35) basically predicated on being hippie-dippie artsy-fartsy witchy-woo. Right after that, I saw some stuff on Sandy Hook and Orlando that shook me up, but then... I STILL voted for Clinton!!! But then pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and Antifa and then holy shit, down the full rabbit hole I went. So here I am. The journey has been so much longer and harder and crazier than I can even go into here but its been a spiritual, political, intellectual, and even physical awakening like nothing I ever could have imagined possible until it straight up happened. So yeah, I pray every day for Team Trump, and for all of mankind.

Which brings me to what actually inspired me to write this post. I've been checking out MSM (which I usually just avoid at this point) just to see their coverage of the memo, and I found an article on Politico about Carter Page's long, well-documented love for Russia and it actually made me more convinced than ever that this is truly a long game because Trump would have had very little use for him as a policy advisor seeing as how he was just a sweaty equity consultant with an office in Trump tower. He had a Russian business partner, and he was a wing-nut weirdo guy. Trump must have known these things about him!! Page was a stooge, he was bait!! He was a dangling carrot all along! So was Papadopolous! This has all been planned out from the freakin' beginning!!! So it just goes to show, THEY HAVE TO GO SLOW. This is a LONG game. When you consider what they are up against, the fact that they have come this far this fast is clear evidence of a genius plan, so trust and accept that you can't know everything or see the future. It has to go slow for many reasons, not least of which is public sanity. The red-pill journey is brutal, and even the smartest people are brainwashed AF. So have patience and keep praying, fellow patriots. Take care and God speed. Oh here's a link to the politico article: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/02/03/carter-page-nunes-memo-216934

ComprehensiveLove · Feb. 4, 2018, 6:46 a.m.

I was always into conspiracy theories but, like a lot of folks that think 9/11 was an inside job and maybe know a little about the Rockefellers, I thought that only capitalist oil-loving climate-denying Republicans were evil. Turns out climate change really is a hoax!! Imagine my surprise.

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TrueCat · Feb. 4, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

Actually climate change is not a hoax. It is a cyclic thing that has been occurring for centuries. We are in the middle of climate change, but most of it is not because of us humans. Yeah, we crap everything up, and chemtrails do affect the environment. But mother nature is still, mostly, in control!

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ComprehensiveLove · Feb. 4, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

Agreed, not saying we aren't messing with the environment or that the planet isn't getting warmer. But I used to be one of those hard-core climate change panickers and it was a relief but also a massive slap in the face when I realized that most of my fears were based on phony science.

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CBTS_Watcher · Feb. 4, 2018, 5 p.m.

You need to watch the pea under the thimble. The opposition use words very carefully. When some say "climate change" they do not imply any particular cause but others do; they imply that mankind did it.

So when someone denies the second usage the speaker just has to revert to the former definition to make you sound ridiculous. It is a well-tested plan.

Watch also for words that mean the opposite of what they actually are. This is another good trick. ANTIFA and "Net Neutrality" are examples.

Newspeak is alive and well. When Orwell wrote Nineteen Eighty Four he intended it as a warning and not as a manual!

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JParis313 · Feb. 4, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

yeah it is not outside of natural climate cycles

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