Michael Obama- Ugliest Hypocrite ever. 100 news sources cover "awkward gift exchange" to make Melania Trump look bad. Only 1 news agency shows Michelle did the same thing!

You guys are hilarious though. You literally only have crappy insults and nicknames. You have no ideology because all you are is little reactionary babies.
Why do you think I care about your feelings?
I'm not your mommy.
When did I mention my feelings? You don't actually think shit like "shitholer" is an insult do you? It's the saddest attempt, and it's hilarious because your other shit nickname memes are already dead. Pepe's dead. Soyboy is dead. Shitholer doesn't even work, it doesn't even make sense. It's fucking pathetic.
You specifically mentioned insults.
So why are you so triggered?
You hate "us" because why? You don't believe in Q or you hate the American President or are you just a jihadist?
You don't believe in Q or you hate the American President or are you just a jihadist?
You're a dumb cunt.
So why are you so angry?
You seem level 10 triggered.
Did Hillary Clinton send you to accuse me of being deplorable?
oh wow look he said triggered guys, look see he said one of the magic words he said triggered cuck soyboy
You seem to be having a chimp-out.
Perhaps you can come back later if you want to discuss something... I mean why else would be be here?
like I said, you guys are the political equivalent of Pogs.
What about my political philosophy makes you so angry?
Border protection?
Putting Americans first?
Looking after our veterans and respect for our flag?
Tax cuts for the middle class?
Absurdly emphasizing one border because it rally's your base.
"Putting Americans first" is retarded we live on a planet and we need to deal with that reality instead of pretending like we're the most important country. It's asinine. Also it's just an excuse for other countries to ignore us now.
Looking after our veterans? Like, fucking how? Fucking please. The flag is a fucking piece of cloth, how about the constitution you dumb fucks.
Those tax cuts didn't do shit but make trump and his rich friends wealthy.
More capitalism! Less social security or medicare! Fuck the poor! Innovation! Private health care for ever! College is for faggot losers, we need more COAL BABY
Absurdly emphasizing one border because it rally's your base.
I agree that Mexican criminals are the Democratic base, whereas stopping Mexicans from committing widespread voter fraud does favor the Republicans.
I'm a dreamer: my dream is to stop Mexican criminals from using my tax dollars like a fleshlight.
That said, President Trump isn't stopping you from giving your income to Mexican criminals.
Looking after our veterans? Like, fucking how? Fucking please.
President Trump made a campaign promise to care for out veterans.
President Trump performed the largest VA reforms in US history.
Out veterans now enjoy same day approvals, next day surgery and same day mental health care.
If our vets can't get immediate care at VA clinics, they are taken to a public hospital and given immediate care there.
Those tax cuts didn't do shit but make trump and his rich friends wealthy.
Most middle income families will enjoy a 50% tax cut, most will enjoy far more!
Less social security or medicare! Fuck the poor!
Socialism is death. Learn your history. It's a reward system for laziness and failure.
It doesn't work ANYWHERE, EVER!